March 15, 2004
Mayor Roy Paslay called the March 15, 2004 Lecompton CityCouncil meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Council was present. Alsopresent were the City Clerk, City Superintendent and the City Attorney.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 1stmeeting. Tim McNish seconded themotion. Motion carried.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the bills. Marsha Paslay seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Shawn Martin was present to discuss putting a modular onproperty he is purchasing from his parents. No action was taken
Kent Grigg and Lora Eubanks, from KG Insurance, were presentto discuss renewing the insurance policy. Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the proposal. Cyndi Treaster seconded themotion. Motion carried.
Ed Smith made a motion to hire Shetlar Griffith Shetlar forthe water project and to contact Donna Crawford to get the grant going. Cyndi Treaster seconded themotion. Motion carried.
The council discussed the letter from Earl Bahnmaier wantingto know how muich ground would be needed for the well.
The council discussed the Chuck Nerbass property.
Ed Smith made a motion to extend Burke Woods building permitfor a garage for six months. MarkTunstall seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ed Smith made a motion to have bulk trash pick up on June 12thand to be house to house. MarkTunstall seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ed Smith made a motion to have yard slaes on the weekend onJune 5th and 6th. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion. Motion carried.
It was decided not to have the lawn and garden contest.
A vet clinic will be set up with Kevin Kuenzi.
The city clerks resignation was presented. It was decided to put an ad in thepaper.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve a building permit for CyndiTreaster contingent on here satisfying the three acre requirement for ta septicsystem. Mark Tunstall seconded themotion. Motion carried with CyndiTreaster abstaining.
Cyndi Treaster made a motion that the council acknowledgesthe error in approve a building permit with less than three acres for a septicsystem. All future permits willhave to be in compliance with all zoning ordinances and that Andy Leslie’sproperty may continue as is. EdSmith seconded the motion. Motioncarried.
Cyndi Treaster made a motion to approve Resolution #206supporting recycling. MarkTunstall seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Council discussed the chip and seal on Whitfield southof 7th.
The council discussed widening Seventh Street by Tim McNish.
Ed Smith made a motion to adjourn to the meeting on March 31stat 6::35 PM. Marsha Paslay seconedthe motion. Motion carried.
Adjourn 6:35 PM
Susie Hackathorn
City Clerk