April 5, 2004
Mayor Roy Paslay called the April 5, 2004 Lecompton CityCouncil meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Council was present. Alsopresent were the City Clerk, City Superintendent and the City Treasurer.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 15thmeeting. Tim McNish seconded themotion. Motion carried.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the minutes of theMarch 24th meeting. Marsha Paslayseconded the motion. Motioncarried.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the bills. Cyndi Treaster seconded themotion. Motion carried.
Council discussed Nehrbass property. Tiffany/Sandy will pull agreement andminutes from 2 years ago.
Brian Janus of Rural Networks was present to discuss placinga satellite on top of water tower for use in Oskaloosa School District. Cyndi Treaster motioned that we allowRural Networks to use the water tower for an antenna not to exceed 25 in by 25in in exchange for up to 5 dial-up accounts with understanding that we couldwithdraw permission with two weeks notice. Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the proposal. Motion carried. Contract will be brought to April 29thcouncil meeting.
Nancy Howard asked the Council about doing something foroutgoing clerk, Susie Hackathorn. She also asked Council to do something about her neighbor who is runninga business that has become a nuisance. Roy Paslay will ask city attorney to draft up letter to send to theindividual. Nancy also asked thatmore information be placed on city sign.
Council agreed to purchase $50 gift certificate for Susie toMongolian Barbecue.
Ed Smith motioned that the Council approve the hiring ofYvonne Tunstall to clean the community building at $10/hr. Marsha seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Pam Rees wrote a note of concern about the tables in thecommunity building. Roy Paslayagreed to take a look at how many were usable and look into getting some newones.
Tiffany Ball asked about letter to Kramer. She will be sending one letting himknow that we will not be using their services for the water project.
Cyndi Treaster motioned to adjourn. Marsha Paslay seconded motion. Motion carried
Adjourn 8:40 PM
Tiffany Ball
City Treasurer