April 19, 2004
Mayor Roy Paslay called the April 5, 2004 Lecompton CityCouncil meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
The swearing in of new council members, Chuck Folks,Jennifer Jones and Eddie Smith was performed by Mayor Roy Paslay. Other council members present were MarkTunstall, Tim McNish. Also presentwere the City Clerk and City Superintendent.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the April5th meeting. Mark Tunsell secondedthe motion. Motion carried.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the bills of theApril 5th meeting. TimMcNish seconded the motion. Motioncarried.
The council discussed the possibility of have some accountswith the First State Bank.
The council had received a contract from Brian Janus ofRural Networks. Mr. Janus was notpresent. It was recommened thatLarry Hendricks make changes to the contract and send it to Rural Networks. Changeswould include no other antennaes to be installed, contract with one time use,and Rural Networks request to have 30 days notification of cancellation. Eddie made a motion to approve thesesuggestions. Mark seconded themotion. Motion was unanimous.
Jim Hughes and Shirley Dinkel were present from theLecompton Planning Commission. Jimshared with the council that Chuck Nehrbass had been to the Planning Commissionrequesting to rezone some of his ground. The council approved Larry Hendricks to send the Planning Commissioninformation regarding what needs to be completed on Mr. Nehrbass’s ground tocomplete previous agreements.
There were three members from SRCA including President DaveRoss. There was discussion of howpeople can participate in the Urban Development Plans, voluntary annexationinto the city and also what requirements have to be meet for the city to annexland into the city limits. Thecouncil approved SRCA and Larry Hendricks to meet to discuss pros and cons ofannexation.
Justin VanWinkle presented the council with informationregarding asphalting of 7th Street east of 600 road. Justin had spoke with Doug Stevens andKeith Browning to have this done, for the cost of the asphalt to the City,while work is being done on 600 road.
The council also ask Justin to get an estimate for the costto asphalt the “S” curve by Tim McNish’s home. What would the cost difference be doing it now or doing itlater? Eddie made a motion tocontinue with this project. Timseconded the motion. It wasapproved unanimously
Mark made a motion to purchase a State Flag. Eddie seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Jennifer made a motion to purchase supplies that Yvonnerequested for cleaning the community building. Eddie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3 new tubes on Jones Street are needed.
Owen/Tabatha Mallonee need a tube due to cleaning of theditches done by the city.
Jennifer made a motion to purchase the needed tubes. Mark seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous.
Justin presented information regarding a new mower. The council ask that he check on apossible lease option.
Mark motioned to adjourn. Eddie seconded motion. Motion carried
Adjourn 9:35 PM
Sandy Nichols
City Clerk