May 3, 2004
Mayor Roy Paslay called the May 3, 2004 Lecompton CityCouncil meeting to order at 7:00 PM. All council members were present; City Treasurer, City Clerk and CitySuperintendent were also present.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the April19, 2004 meeting. Tim McNish secondedthe motion. Motion carried.
Eddie Smith made a motion to approve the bills of the April19th meeting. Mark Tunstallseconded the motion. Motioncarried.
Tom Hotchkiss and Joan Tabbert were present representingFirst State Bank & Trust from Perry. Tim motioned to transfer from Douglas County Bank CDs that were maturingat the present time to the First State Bank & Trust at Perry. (*correction: motion died.)
Roy appointed First State Bank of Perry and Douglas County Bankas depository Agents. Eddiemotioned to approve the appointment. Mark seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Paul Bahnmaier was present to share articles about Lecomptonin six different magazines. Healso ask that letters be sent to some residents regarding mowing of yards withTerritorial Days taking place in June. The council recommended the city attorney, Larry Hendricks, be contactedto send letters.
Representatives from the SRCA, ( Scenic River Community Area),were present to voice some concerns regarding some zoning possibilities.
There was a discussion regarding the Planning Commission andthe Open Member clause. It was decidedif 3 or more members wanted to be attending a meeting they would need to adjournto that meeting to avoid any open member violation issues. The council would like for a dry eraseboard, markers and eraser be purchased for use in City Hall.
Roy appointed Leigh Nichols to the Planning Commission. Eddie made a motion to accept Leigh onthe planning commission. JenniferJones seconded the motion. Motioncarried.
Roy appointed Lawrence Journal World as the designated paperfor the city. Eddie made a motionto accept the appointment and Mark seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Roy appointed Larry Hendricks as the City’s attorney, SandyNichols City Clerk, Tiffany Ball Treasurer, Justin VanWinkle Superintendent andBogner and Long City accountants. Eddie made a motion to accept the nominations. Mark seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Roy appointed Tim McNish to the Road Department, Eddie Smithto the Water Department, Chuck Folks to the Sewer Department, Jennifer Jones tothe Trash Department, and Mark Tunstall to Parks and Recreation.
Information that was received by Justin from Bartlett andWest regarding Chuck Nerhbass will be shared with the Planning Commission.
(*correction: Council went into executive session from 8:15– 8:30)
The council discussed wages in closed session. The following changes weresuggested: Larry Hendricks, $100per hour; Justin, $12.63 per hour to be increased to $13.63 per hour. After certification another $1.00per hour increase; Tiffany, $10.00 per hour; part time employees, $10.00 perhour. Eddie motioned these suggestionsbe approved. Tim seconded themotion. Motion carried.
Roy made the council aware of noise issues on Boone streetwest of Kroger’s Store.
Roy checked with Bogner & Long’s regarding moneyavailability for asphalting. Therewill be enough money to asphalt 7th street.
Letters regarding returned checks and yards that need to bemowed should be sent by signature requested upon receipt.
Jennifer made a motion that Mark remain as president of theCity Council. Tim seconded the motion. Motion carried.
At 9:22 P.M. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting to May12, 7:00 P.M. Mark seconded themotion. The motion carried.