May 17, 2004 City Council Minutes
Mayor Roy Paslay called the May 3, 2004 Lecompton CityCouncil meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Council members Mark Tunstall, Eddie Smith, Tim McNish and JenniferJones were present. LarryHendricks, city attorney, Justin VanWinkle, city superintendent, and SandyNichols, city clerk were also present.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 3,2004 and May 12, 2004 meeting with corrections made. Mark seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills of the April 19thmeeting. Eddie seconded themotion. Motion carried. A motion to amend bill being paid toDoug’s Truck & Equipment was made. The motion was seconded by Jennifer. The motion carried unanimously
The mayor acknowledged Jim Hughes from the PlanningCommission. Jim reported on thePlanning Commission’s meeting with the Rural subcommittee from Lawrence/DouglasCo. Planning Comm. The planningcommission will check on “Light Industrial” zoning and what it covers. Larry discussed his meeting with SRACregarding pros and cons for annexing into the city limits.
Paul Bahnmaier was present to thank the city for lettersbeing sent regarding mowing of some locations. He also reported that one property had only been halfmowed. Roy said he would talk withthe property owner.
There was a discussion regarding impoundment of dogs/cats atthe Jefferson County Veterinary.
Larry presented Resolution 207 regarding property at 425Elmore. Eddie motioned to passResolution 207. Jennifer seconded themotion. The motion carriedunanimously.
Larry gave an update of Rural Network. The council asked Larry to continue towork with Rural Network on a contract to install a wireless network on thewater tower. The city also askedthat Brain Janus from Rural Network get on the tower and see what he will needand give the information to the city council. Larry will contact Mr. Janus and let him know.
The city council would like to have a flag pole and standpurchased “like” the one in the meeting room at this time.
The council discussed ordering new tables fromMite-lite. 2 36” speckled greyrectangular tables and 2 36” speckled grey serpentine tables are to be orderedfor the office. 4 30” walnutrectangular tables are to be ordered for the community building. Mark made the motion that Sandy andJustin purchase these tables. Jennifer second the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Roy informed the council of some problems at the communitybuilding. The council requestedthe building be checked after it has been used in the future. Eddie made a motion to forgive the costof cleaning to the last renter at the community building. Jennifer second the motion. The motion carried unanimously
Marty and Brenda Hastert left a building permit applicationfor the council to approve. Afterthe council discussed the application it was decided they were not sure whatwas being requested. Mark offeredto meet with Hasterts regarding the application.
Sandy presented a revised letter to be sent at the time ofthe second notice of water bill payments. After discussion, Mark made a motion to accept the revised letter. Jennifer seconded the motion. The motion passed, 3 members voting forand 1 opposing.
Sandy reported the copier was not working correctly and wasvery dirty. Jennifer motion tohave the copier cleaned and serviced. Eddie seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously
Justin presented an update on the water plant. A new chlorinator was purchased.
Roy said that Earl Bahnmaier was okay with land usageregarding the wells.
It was suggested that Marsha Paslay and Cindy Treaster becontacted to return their city books and keys for new members use.
Mark motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:32. Tim seconded the motion.