June 7, 2004 City Council Minutes
Mayor Roy Paslay called the June 7, 2004 Lecompton CityCouncil meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks, Jennifer Joneswere present. Justin VanWinkle,city superintendent, Tiffany Ball, city treasure, and Sandy Nichols, city clerkwere also present.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the minutes of theMay 17, 2004 with the correction made that Tiffany was not present at the May17, 2004 meeting. Tim McNishseconded the motion. The motioncarried unanimously.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
After a discussion Mark made a motion to approve the Hastertbuilding permit. Chuck Folksseconded, motion carried unanimously.
Bud(correction: Owen) & Tabetha Mallonee were present torequest a building permit. Afterdiscussion with the city council Mark made a motion to approve the buildingpermit. Chuck seconded, motioncarried unanimously.
Mike Coffman was present to discuss some assistance in cleanaround his house to move forward on a grant request. If necessary $1500 from the grant could be applied towardsthe cleanup. SM Ball will place adumpster at Mr. Coffman’s location to help with the cleanup.
Dave Bogner was present to report on the 2003 Audit. The 2003 audit was excellent. Dave suggested the council consider raisingrates on water and sewer for the 2005 budget. The council considered raising the water/sewer rates by4-5%. There was discussion to raisethe mill levy. Roy recommendedraising the mill levy by 4. Markmotioned to approve the audit and guidelines for 2005. Tim seconded the motion. Motion was unanimous.
The following people were present to discuss plans for thenew well: Kenneth Shetlar fromShafer, Kline and Warren, DonCaillouet and Martha Silks were present from Layne-Western Company. Jennifer made a motion to continue with the proposedtesting for the new well per information presented and handouts. Mark seconded the motion, passedunanimously.
Kenneth Shetlar will present the city with informationrequired for property owners involved with the well drilling.
Kenneth left an engineer contract to be reviewed by ourattorney, then signed and the following copies distributed to thefollowing: 2 copies to RuralDevelopment, 1 copy to Kenneth Shetlar, 1 copy for the city, and 1 copy toDonna Crawford.
Roy will call Gary Smith at Rural Development to check onthe status of the survey information.
After a discussion: Mark made a motion to put AB3/chip and seal the road by Tim McNish. Chuck seconded the motion, it carriedunanimously.
Sandy asks the council to consider a fee for request ofrezoning. Cost would include mailing by register or certified letter tosurrounding land owners, Public Hearing notification in the paper, any copiesmade, and city clerk time. Noaction was taken at this time.
The city council will continue the same city policy forreturned checks of utility payments: After two consecutive returned checks payment will have to be made bymoney order or cash for that account.
JDLA will be able to take care of the flower garden to theend of June and return mid-August.
Justin presented lawn mower and loan information forpurchasing a new lawn mower. Jennifer made a motion to purchase the mower with a loan from FirstState Bank in Perry at the most economical rate. Mark seconded the motion. Motion was unanimous.
At 9:35 Jenn made a motion to adjourn, Chuck seconded.