June 21, 2004 City Council Minutes
Mayor Roy Paslay called the June 7, 2004 Lecompton CityCouncil meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Council members Mark Tunstall, Chuck Folks, Jennifer Jones, and EddieSmith were present. JustinVanWinkle, city superintendent, Larry Hendricks, and Sandy Nichols, city clerkwere also present.
Chuck Folks made a motion to approve the minutes of the June7, 2004. Mark Tunstall secondedthe motion. The motion carriedunanimously.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the bills. Chuck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Brenda Bohannan, president of the Lecompton BallAssociation, was present to request assistance of the City of Lecompton to helpput a water line in the outfield of the ball field north of LaneUniversity. The council deferredthe topic to the next meeting. During this time Brenda will get information from Perry School Dist. andthe City of Lecompton will obtain bids for the project. It was decided at this time the nextcity council meeting would be Tuesday July 6, 2004.
A motion was made by Jennifer for the City to donate 2000gallons of water per month. Chuckseconded the motion. The motioncarried unanimously.
Gary Kroeger was present to request selling alcoholicbeverages on Sundays and holidays. The city attorney, Larry Hendricks, will check on this issueand have information for the city at the July 5, 2004 if possible. Mr. Kroeger stated concerns regardingdogs in his area.
Ed made a motion to reappoint Jeff Goodrick to the DouglasCounty Emergency Management Board. Chuck seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous.
After discussion regarding the engineering contract fromShafer, Kline & Warren, Inc., the council ask Larry to contact them for abreakdown of costs. Larry willalso give a copy to Rural Development.
Two lawns need to be mowed that certified letters had beensent to May 4, 2004. Parts of thelawns were mowed, some areas were not mowed and the areas mowed need to bemowed again. The council requestedthe staff to hire someone to mow the lots if they have not been mowed by June30, 2004.
After discussion regarding building permit costs, Larry saidhe would gather information and get back with the city council.
Larry will also check on Landlord liability regarding utilitybills and get back with the City.
Larry recommended contacting the insurance company regardingTabetha’s need to be bonded if she subs for Tiffany while she is on maternityleave.
The council request to have the insurance company availableat a council meeting to discuss the insurance policy.
There was discussion regarding the air compressor that wasstolen and the replacement. Edmade a motion to purchase a 2hp air compressor to replace the one stolen. Mark seconded the motion. The motion failed: 1 for and 3 against.
Chuck made a motion to purchase an air compressor“needed”. Mark seconded themotion. The motion passed 3 forand 1 against.
9:45 P.M. Jenn motioned to adjourn. Mark seconded.