August 2, 2004 Lecompton City Council Minutes
6:45 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay called the August 2, 2004Lecompton City Council Budget Hearing to order. Council members Mark Tunstall, Chuck Folks, Jennifer Jones,and Tim McNish and were present. Justin VanWinkle, city superintendent, Sandy Nichols, city clerk andTabetha Mallonee, acting treasurer were present. 6:52 all council members werepresent. 7:00 P.M. the BudgetHearing closed and the regular Lecompton City Council meeting was brought toorder.
Mark Tunstall moved to approve the minutes of the July 19,2004 meeting with amendments. TimMcNish seconded the motion. Motioncarried.
Mark moved to approve the accounts payable. Ed Smith seconded the motion. After discussion the motion carried.
Brenda Bohannan was present at the request of the CityCouncil to discuss the division of cost for the water line to be installed atthe ball diamond north of Lane University. Jennifer Jones made a motion to pay 50% of the total cost ofthe water line. Mark Tunstallseconded the motion. The motioncarried.
Ron Collette was present to request a building permit. After discussion Ed made a motion to approvethe building permit. JenniferJones seconded the motion. Themotion carried.
Kathi Fair from the Lecompton Planning Commission waspresent to notify the City Council that the PC would recommend approving ChuckNehrbass’s request to rezone approximately 2.9 acres at the intersection ofWoodson Ave and Co. Rd. 1029. Nodecision was made by the City Council until further information is obtained bythe City Attorney. Kathi also saidLeah Nichols would be willing to be on the BZA council. The mayor appointed Leah to the BAZcouncil. Ed Smith made a motion toaccept the appointment. Tim McNishseconded the motion. The motionwas unanimous.
Kenneth Shetlar was present to present information on twodifferent water systems and to answer questions. After discussion Ed made a motion to go with the Tonka waterand softener system. Chuckseconded the motion. The motionwas unanimous. Roy plans to attendthe KIAC meeting in Topeka when the date is set.
Justin asked to have Layne-Western oxidize the well pumpwhile work is being done regarding the wells at this time. Chuck Folks made amotion to have this work done now. Eddie seconded the motion. The Motion carried unanimously.
There was discussion regarding the new ordinance forbuilding permits. It was requestedto have the city attorney tie the “if the construction requires more than twoinspections” clause to the minimum building fee of $75.00 only.
The application for the recaptured Housing Grant monies wasdiscussed. The council requestedto have the Health and Welfare codes mailed to the applicant.
Mayor Roy Paslay asks the council to consider selling of theempty lots owned by the city on Elmore Street.
Mark said Yvonne would no longer be able to clean thecommunity do to family responsibilities at this time. Mark said Eilleene and Marilyn Delge would do thecleaning. Yvonne will give theminstructions. Eddie made a motionto have Eilleene/Marilyn clean the community building – not to exceed 12 hoursper month unless there is an unusual need. Tim seconded the motion – motion was unanimous.
After a discussion regarding CD’s maturing, Mark made amotion to renew the CD’s at First State Bank of Perry or Douglas County Bank –which ever was paying the highest rate. Eddie seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous.
There was discussion about the chip and seal work to be doneon the road by Tim’s.
Justin’s labor, $15 per hour, will be charged when the waterline is done at the ball diamond.
Justin will be replacing a valve at the trailer court.
The city council requested staff to check on purchasing of anew/used copier.
After discussion of the gutters at Bob Week’s location thecouncil requested Kramer Engineer’s be contacted regarding the possibility of agrant from KDOT.
There was discussion of what compensation would be given toEarl Bahnmaier if the wells were to be on his property. No action was taken.
Jennifer made a motion to accept the 2005 budget. Chuck seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
9:36 P.M. Mark motioned to adjourn, Jennifer seconded, andmotion was unanimous.