September 7, 2004 Lecompton City Council Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting toorder. Council members Eddie Smith,Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Jennifer Jones, and Chuck Folks were present. CitySuperintendent, Justin VanWinkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols, and Acting CityTreasurer, Tabetha Mallonee were also present.
Eddie Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of theAugust16, 2004 meeting. JenniferJones seconded the motion. Motioncarried.
Eddie made a motion to approve the accounts payable. Jennifer Jones seconded the motion.
Linda and Gary Kroeger were present to discuss the fee forthe Occupational Tax. Afterdiscussion Eddie made a motion to lower the fee to $150 dollars. Mark seconded the motion. The motion dropped. After additional discussion Jenniferamended the motion to be $100 fee. Tim seconded, carried unanimously. Sandy was asked to contact Larry to see if this will be affective forthis year.
The applicant for the recapturedmonies from the Housing Grant was present. Chuck Folks offered to assist in finding help to completethe clean up. Chuck made a motionto approve the application. Jennifer seconded the motion, motion was unanimous. Once the clean up that Chuck hasorganized is started Roy was requested to call Anchor Heating and Air to getthe furnace and air-conditioner installed.
The City Council requested Sandy to mail a letter toPollard’s requesting clean up of their property.
Nancy Howard requested the councilto consider a $500 scholarship for a graduating PLHS student. Nancy was not present. There was discussion. No action was taken.
Robert Shaner requested the council to consider moving watermeters from the basement to the walks. Neither Mr. Shaner nor a representative was present. There was discussion. No action was taken.
Vickie Bahnmaier requested the citycouncil to discuss water drainage in the alley south of the post office. Ms. Bahnmaier was not present. There was discussion. No action was taken.
It was mentioned that gravel and water from the church’s newparking lot is washing down into neighbors lots. The city clerk was requested to write a friendly letter tothe church acknowledging this problem.
There was discussion of an easementcontract for the new well and the need to get this completed. SKW will be having the locationsurveyed to know whose land the well is on. The city employees were requestedto contact KDHE regarding the amount of area needed around the well. Sandy was requested to find informationregarding present easement contracts and send copies to Larry to review beforethe next meeting.
There was discussion of the need to make a decision regardingsand/salt storage. The councilrequested Justin to check on concrete blocks. No action was taken.
Justin requested the council toconsider purchasing the 1993 International dump truck from the LecomptonTownship. No action was taken.
The City Council asked Sandy to check with the BallAssociation to see if they are continuing with the installation of a watermeter at the ball diamond. It wassuggested to check with Tiffany Ball. The council also asked Sandy to check with the city attorney, LarryHendricks regarding city codes and ordinance variances with sewer rates.
Jennifer reported the results ofthe inquiry she had made for the city to purchase a new copier. A new copier should be arriving as soonas Logan Business has finished refurbishing the copier.
Jennifer motionat 9:39 PM the meeting close, the motion was seconded by Chuck, motion carried.