October 18, 2004

October 18, 2004 Lecompton City Council Minutes

7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting toorder. Council members Eddie Smith,Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks and Jennifer Jones were present. CitySuperintendent, Justin VanWinkle, and City Clerk, Sandy Nichols, City attorneyLarry Hendricks were present. ChadLuce from Westar was present. Citizen Howard Duncan was also present.

Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the minutes of the October4, 2004 meeting. Chuck Folksseconded the motion. Motioncarried. Mark made a motion toapprove the minutes from the Oct. 13 & 14 special meetings. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Ed Smith requested a correction of therefer to reference in the minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Tim made a motion to approve the accounts payable. Chuckseconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.

Chad Luce from Westar Energy was present to present anordinance for franchise fees and to answer questions. After discussion Mark motioned to accept Res. 761. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Linda Merchant was not present to discuss her driveway. No action was taken.

Howard Duncan discussed concerns about his easement andbeing signed before deadline.

Council discussed easement rights for Earl Bahnmaier. The council asked Roy to discusseasement options with Mr. Bahnmaier and then call a special meeting ifnecessary.

Correspondence from Kenneth Shetlar regarding bid lettingand opening for the well was discussed. The council agreed to have Kenneth continue with the bid letting. Chuck motioned to have the bid opening November1, 2004. Ed seconded the motion.The council said Kenneth could set the time for opening of the bids. The motion carried unanimously.

The council requested Larry Hendricks to prepare anordinance for trash rate increases. Mark will talk with David Powell regarding location of recyclebins.

Roy had not been able to contact anyone regarding theVeteran wall at this time.

Sandy was instructed to contact KG insurance regarding arequest from Austin Kelley and Noel Coalson for a skateboard park.

After discussion for a building permit from Harold Morton itwas decided that he would not need a permit for a gas meter. It was also noted that requests forpermits needed to be signed by the land owner.

Ed reported that Bowen’s thought they would be able torestore the salt/sand area to a useable condition.


It was reported that there had been some difficulties in thecity’s participation in moving forward with the agreement between the city andthe Housing Grant Applicant. Afterdiscussion between the city council and the city attorney it was decided thatthe city should continue with the cleaning at the Housing Grant applicant’slocation. It was noted that theapplicant had been informed of the date of cleanup and had been notified in thepast of a resolution to clean the area. The heating and air installation hadbeen completed as agreed with the applicant to install before cleanup wascomplete and cleanup could be done after that time. The city had received theheating and air bill and it was approved to pay the bill.

Roy will talk with Craig Weinaug regarding an appreciationgathering of committees to take place in January or February.

Larry reported that KDHE approved Chuck Nehrbass’slocation. They were concernedabout dirt on city property. Itwas reported that the city had cleaned that area recently.

Justin requested guidance on replacing the generator thatwas stolen. After discussion Markmotioned to allocated Justin to spend up to $1000 to replace thegenerator. Jennifer seconded themotion. Motion was unanimous.

Sandy noted that Rural Network had paid their bill. Also noted was another compliment ofthe condition of the community building. There was a donation of $25 from a group using the community building tobe applied toward cleaning of the community building.

Mark motioned at 9:21 PM the meeting adjourn, the motion wasseconded by Jennifer, motion carried.