November 15, 2004 Lecompton City Council Minute
7:00 P.M. Council President Mark Tunstall brought themeeting to order. Mayor Paslay wasdelayed do to city business. Council members Eddie Smith, Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks andJennifer Jones were present. City Superintendent, Justin VanWinkle, City Clerk,Sandy Nichols, and attorney Larry Hendricks were present. Jimmy Wilkins and Kathi Fair werepresent from the Lecompton Planning Commission.
Chuck Folks made a motion to approve the minutes of the November1, 2004 meeting. Eddie Smithseconded the motion. Motioncarried.
Eddie made a motion to approve the accounts payable ascorrected. Tim McNish seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
A copy of revised Planning Commission by-laws was presentedto the city council. There wasdiscussion regarding the by-laws. Mark motioned the Planning Commission members, when doing business forthe Planning Commission/City, are reimbursed for mileage and out of pocketexpenses. Chuck seconded themotion, motion was unanimous. Mileage would be at the currant state rate. 7:19 Mayor Roy Paslay arrived and took the position as Mayorduring the remainder of the meeting. There was discussion regarding a 2005 Advisory Board AppreciationReception on January 27, 2005 to be held at the Lawrence Arts Center. The Planning Commission is being askedto see how many members might be able to attend.
There was discussion regarding the easement rights with EarlBahnmaier. Mark made a motion tohave the city attorney propose an agreement of $500 plus a percentage increaseas the city’s water rates increase, water usage for domestic and livestock at101 Clark Street. If the 101 ClarkStreet location is sold to someone either than an heir, a 10,000 gallon watercap would be effective. One meterwould remain at the location. Ifthe lease proposal is not accepted the attorney is to see if Mr. Bahnmaierwould be interested in selling rather than leasing. Jennifer seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
Eddie made a motion to have the City Attorney explorecondemnation procedures. Chuckseconded the motion. Unanimous.
There was discussion regarding the location and deliverytime of the recycle dumpster. Sandy is to check with Shawn Ball to see if his insurance would coverand needs if the city acquired an easement for the location of thedumpster. Sandy was asked to haveShawn not deliver the dumpster until the city acquired more information.
Chuck made a motion to accept the contract for sale of cityproperty to C & R Construction. Mark seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
There was a report on the sand/salt storage.
After discussion regarding $6.50 per line for in line repairof phone lines, Sandy was instructed to discontinue the in line service fee.
There was discussion of full coverage on city vehicles. Mark made a motion to have the fullcoverage dropped on city vehicles that were not required to have fullcoverage. Chuck seconded themotion, motion was unanimous.
Eddied made motion to have Justin repair the dripping faceton the east sink at the Community Building and replace both sink facets withgooseneck spouts. Mark seconded the motion, motion was unanimous. Chuck told Justin to call him if anyadvice was needed.
There was discussion regarding drainage in the Post Officearea. Sandy was requested to senda letter stating the concerns had been reviewed and the City Council did not seethis as being a City issue and would not be responsible for any costs.
Eddie made a motion to approve Ordinance 762 amendingChapter 3, Article 2, Section 213 of the Codes of the City of Lecompton. Jennifer and Chuck simultaneously,motion was unanimous.
Mark reminded council members that Saturday November 2010:00 A.M. would be the City Park Holiday decorating time and requested councilmembers to help. Mark has arrangedfor a Santa on Dec. 4th.
Eddie motioned at 10:00 PM the meeting adjourns to Nov 20that 10:00 A.M. City Park, the motion was seconded by Jennifer, motion carried.