December 6, 2004 Lecompton City Council Minute
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order. Council members Eddie Smith, MarkTunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks and Jennifer Jones were present. CitySuperintendent, Justin VanWinkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols were present. David Bogner, accountant, Leah Nicholswith the Lecompton Planning Commission and representative from Lawrence Chamberof Commerce were present.
Mark made a motion to approve the minutes of November 15,November 29 and December 1, 2004 meeting. Jennifer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Chuck made a motion to approve the accounts payable withcorrection that 4 keys @$9.39 were padlocks. Mark seconded the motion, motionpassed unanimously.
David Bogner, or Bogner and Long Accounts discussed thebudget with the council. There wasdiscussion of transferring some general funds to the Special Highwayfunds. No action was taken. David recommended the council raisewater rates 2% per year, no action was taken. There was discussion regarding the water fund. Ed made a motion to appropriate watergrant bills to the general fund, Chuck seconded, motion carried.
Kroegers requested a building permit to enclose a deck. Chuck motioned to approve buildingpermit # 163, Jennifer seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.
8:05 P.M. Jennifer left the meeting.
Alicia Janesko from Lawrence Chamber of Commerce presentedthe Quarterly Economic Development report. Heather Ackerly presented the Business Retention Report.
After discussion regarding David Guntert, city/countyplanner, requesting the Lec. PC and CC meeting with Rural Development Committeethe council set Dec. 20th 6:30 – 7:30 P.M. for the meeting.
Council members reviewed information from the City Attorney,Larry Hendricks, regarding an easement with Earl Bahnmaier. Mark made the following motion: $10.000 for said easement at well siteeasement access, utility easement for term as long as needed by the city toproduce water. Chuck seconded themotion, carried unanimously. Thecouncil would like to give the City Attorney the instructions to word theeasement to these terms as he sees professional.
Chuck motioned that if this proposal is not acceptedcondemnation procedures were to start. Ed seconded, carried unanimously.
Chuck made a motion to approve Ordinance #763 regardingsolid waste rates, Ed seconded, motion was unanimous. Chuck made a motion to approve an addendum to refusecollection and disposal agreement, Mark seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
Salt/Sand: Thecouncil requested Justin to see if the current contractor is going to do thework, if not he is to find someone else.
After discussion regarding 7th street east of theLecompton Elementary School, the City Council requested the clerk to send aletter to USD# 343 requesting buses not use 7th street to access theschool.
There was discussion regarding Christmas. It is requested that M&M candycanes be returned to Walmart. Thecity staff should check into repairing the pole decorations after the first ofthe year. The council would likefor Darla Smith to have the wooden figures replace or restored as needed. The 2005 Christmas gathering will beDecember 3, 2005. Darla is to planthe decorating time for the park and Community Building.
Justin reported that Cloud Heating and Air had been out tocheck the furnace in the Community Building. The council requested just to get two or three bids, checkwith Chuck Folks and select one to replace the furnace.
There had been a patron concern regarding heavy trucktraffic on East 7th street. Several council members also reported hearing of concerns. Justin is checking with the county tosee what steps may be taken.
There was discussion regarding people parking at the shop wherethere are no parking signs. Themayor said he would take the responsibility for that happening. No action was taken.
Justin reported he would like to flush the water linesstarting 10 P.M. Sunday December 5, 2004 and possible needing to finish MondayDecember 6, 2004. The councilapproved and requested a notice be put on the park sign as soon aspossible.
Justin reported that he and Dick Wingfield had helped changeout a meter in the Mobil Lodge Community. The Mobil Lodge Community will be reimbursing the city for Dick’s time.
The council said to leave the tree inside the communitybuilding at this time.
Sandy presented the following information:
Westar had furnished regarding tree trimming of trees inlines. Mark said the mulch couldbe put at has house east of burned area.
Sandy having problems staying at 35 hours per week andgetting necessary work completed
Need of ordinance for superintendent salary. She will bring old ordinance to thenext meeting.
Request 3 ring notebooks for council members – approved.
Request to continue using Douglas County Bank for A/P –approved.
10:19 Chuck made a motion to adjourn to Dec. 20that 6:30, Mark seconded, motion carried.