December 20, 2004 Lecompton City Council Minute
6:30 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order tomeet with PC and Rural Development Group.
Council members Eddie Smith, Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, ChuckFolks, Jennifer Jones, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, and City ClerkSandy Nichols were present. 8:05 the Lecompton City Council continued withtheir meeting. City Attorney LarryHendricks, Jim Hughes and Jimmy Wilkins from the Lecompton Planning Commission werepresent.
Chuck made a motion to approve the minutes of December 6,2004 meeting. Jennifer secondedthe motion. Motion carried.
Mark made a motion to approve the accounts payable Timseconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Mark gave the results for the best Christmas decorations forparticipants: First place – JimmyWilkins; Second place – Glen & Vickie Mallonee; Third place – DelphaKenney. Sandy is to call theparticipants and let them know the results and that checks will be mailed afterthe Jan. 3, 2005 council meeting.
The council will continue to charge $15 shut off fee and a$15 turn on fee for those people that will be absent and request service to bediscontinued for a period of time.
There was discussion regarding releasing easement for theabandoned well at Earl Bahnmaier’s, it was agreed to release the abandoned wellsite easement. Mark made a motionto accept the Water Well Site Easement agreement with Earl L. and Alice M.Bahnmaier. Chuck seconded themotion, motion was accepted unanimously. Mark made a motion to accept the Water Line and Permanent Ingress andEgress Easement with Earl L. and Alice M. Banhmaier. Jennifer seconded the motion, motion was acceptedunanimously.
There was discussion regarding the Housing Grantlocation. Roy will contact theindividual regarding completion of the clean up.
There was discussion regarding campers/trailers beingoccupied. Larry said a lettercould be sent regarding R-1 zoning. No action was taken.
After discussion: The water meter in the street will be usedfor meter readings for Dorothy Shaner and New Image Salon.
The council recommended snow removal is continued at LESwhen necessary.
There was discussion regarding the roof on the shop. No action was taken.
Jennifer reported that the ECCO 2 team would welcome anyrepresentation from the Lecompton area. Roy appointed Jennifer to attend the meetings, Ed made a motion toaccept the recommendation, Mark seconded, and motion was unanimous.
There was discussion regarding the sidewalk on the southside of the park. Mark will getbids for redoing the walk and using the bricks that are there now.
Jim Hughes reported there is a meeting Jan. 5, 2005 7:15 atLawrence City Hall with Linda Finger.
9:30 Chuck made a motion to adjourn, Jennifer seconded.