January 3, 2005 LecomptonCity Council Minute
7:01 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Eddie Smith, Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish,Jennifer Jones, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, and City Clerk SandyNichols were present.
Ed made a motion to approve the minutes of December 20, 2004meeting. Tim seconded themotion. Motion carried.
Ed made a motion to approve the accounts payable Markseconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Dave Babcock discuss has culvert and driveway area after thewater lines were flushed. The citycouncil asked Justin to get estimates of the cost for new culvert tubes forthis area.
Earl Bahnmaier was present to discuss trees being planted atthe water plant. Sandy is to senda friendly letter to Earl stating the trees will be planted by the first ofMay. Earl will let us know how farapart he would like to have the trees.
Eddie presented information from Westar regardingreplacement streetlights as the lights burn out. The council chooses to use 175 droplens Metal Halidelamps. Roy signed the form andrequested the city clerk to fax the information to the Westar representative.
There was discussion regarding the sidewalk on the southside of the City Park. Mark willget estimates for redoing the bricks and an estimate for retaining walls on theeast side of the City Park and Community Building.
Mark made a motion to get internet access with SBC. Jennifer seconded, motion carried.
Sandy is to check with Dan regarding a firewall.
There was discussion regarding trailers/campers that areused as residents. Sandy is towrite letters to two city residents regarding the zoning ordinance regardingthis.
There was discussion to continue the clean up at the housinggrant location. Sandy is to askChuck Folks to have the contractor completed this project.
After discussion regarding Santa and the Santa suit, Sandywas requested to send thank you letters to the individuals involved.
Eddie reported that Darla is having David Powell look at thewooden decorations. The officestaff is to get an estimate for refurbishing the street pole decorations. They are also to get an estimate ofjust the wiring and sockets to refurbish them ourselves.
There would not be a quorum of council members attending theJan 5th meeting therefore the meeting would not be adjourned to theJan. 5th.
8:45 Jennifer made a motion to adjourn, Eddie seconded,motion carried.