March 7, 2005 Lecompton City CouncilMinute NOT APPROVED AT THIS TIME 03/09/05
7:07 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Eddie Smith, Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish,Chuck Folks, Jennifer Jones, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, CityTreasurer Tiffany Ball and City Clerk Sandy Nichols were present.
Chuck made a motion to approve the minutes of Feb 7, 2005with correction made, February 22 and 23, 2005 meetings. Tim seconded the motion; motionunanimous.
Mark made a motion to approve the accounts payable, Chuckseconded, motion unanimous.
Nancy Howard was not present.
Bob Treanor presented information regarding the “Welcome toLecompton” signs, 3D decorative Christmas wood figures, and 14 poledecorations. After discussion Jennifer made a motion to have three “Welcome toLecompton” signs made. Markseconded the motion. Mark,Jennifer, Chuck and Tim vote for and Ed Smith opposed the motion, motioncarried. The council will revisitthe Christmas items at a later date.
Jay Stewart presented a Conceptual Master plan map dated7/26/04 and stated he was ready to continue development of ground south of thecity limits on County Road 1029, however this is not the final ConceptualMap. At this time he asked theCity Council to have someone, City Attorney or City Council Member, contact RWD#6 regarding purchasing bulk water from them their water district. There will be a Water District Boardmeeting March 17 and Mayor Roy Paslay said he would attend.
Paul Bahnmaier requests a $500 donation from the city to theTerritorial Day Committee. Jennifer made a motion to donate $500 to the Territorial Day Committee,Tim seconded, and motion was unanimous.
Jim Hughes and Kathi Fair were present from the PlanningCommission. Jim requested citykeys that he had turned in be given to Kathi Fair. Roy instructed Sandy to give the keys to Kathi when she cameto get them.
Ordinances to amend ordinance Chpt II, Art 2 Sec 2-206 andChpt IV, Art 1 or Ordinance # 756 of the codes were tabled until the nextmeeting.
Mayor Roy Paslay asked the City Council to revisit themotion passed previously regarding replacement of streetlights. There wasdiscussion regarding the franchise agreement with Westar. Mark made a motion that the City staywith High Pressure Sodium lights for now. Jennifer seconded the motion. Four members voted for the motion, Ed Smith abstained, motion carried. The council will review this when theWestar franchise agreement is renewed.
Roy and Justin will be attending the KRWA 2005 Conference inWichita March 30, 2005.
Mark motioned to accept the easements for Earl Bahnmaier,Chuck seconded the motion, motion was unanimous. There was discussion about the 12 month clause in theeasement agreement and the council would like to discuss this with the Cityattorney.
The city is to continue Blue Cross Blue Shield GroupInsurance Policy.
Justin discussed problems regarding a stop sign whentrailers are moved in/out of the Mobile Lodge Community. The City Council requested Justin speakswith the Mobile Lodge manager.
Sandy is to call Dr. Kevin and set a date for a vet clinicin April.
Resident wanted the city to put sand down when icy onsenior’s driveways. No action wastaken.
Garage sale dates will be June 3, 4, 5. Bulk trash is to be the following Satif possible, or as soon as there after.
The council said it would be okay for Sandy and a PC memberto attend a couple of LKM training sessions. Request to be made to the council prior to attending.
Sandy presented questions regarding vacation time and sickleave time. Roy, Jennifer andSandy are to review the City Clerk job description and present a revisedaddition if necessary to the council.
No comments regarding the office memo.
10:00 P. M. Chuck motioned to adjourn, Ed seconded,unanimous.