March 21, 2005 LecomptonCity Council Minute
7:07 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Eddie Smith, Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish,Chuck Folks, Jennifer Jones, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, City ClerkSandy Nichols, and City Attorney Larry Hendricks were present.
Mark made a motion to approve the minutes of March 7, 2005. Ed seconded the motion; motionunanimous.
Chuck made a motion to approve the accounts payable, Markseconded, motion unanimous.
Dan Fischer from Rural Development, Donna Crawford from GSA,and Ken Shetlar from SKW Inc. were present to discuss how the city wanted toproceed with the well proposal. After discussion the council decided to proceed by drilling a newwell. The council requested Dan Fischerto send a list of bond attorneys and the city will work with David Malone tosell bonds. Ken has worked withMr. Malone in the past and will contact him. Donna will check with us in April regarding the need foranother survey to be completed.
Jim Hughes was present representing the Lecompton PlanningCommission. Jim reported KathiFair will be the Chairperson for 2005 – 2006 and Shirley Dinkle will continueto be secretary if/when reappointed in April. Jim suggested the council be considering new people for thePlanning Commission board if the need should arise.
Jennifer made a motion to approve Ordinance #764 regardingdogs and cats. Tim seconded themotion, motion was unanimous.
Chuck made a motion to approve Ordinance #765 regarding buildingpermits. Jennifer seconded themotion, motion was unanimous.
Jennifer made a motion to charter out of state statueregarding landlord liability and stay with present system. Chuck seconded the motion, motion wasunanimous.
Tim made a motion to proceed with new paper work regardingthe housing grant applicant’s property needing to be cleaned up per previousrequest and arrangement with the city. Jennifer seconded the motion, motion was unanimous. Justin was request to purchase adisposable camera and take pictures of the property and Larry will then send aletter to the applicant.
Tim made a motion to table any decision regarding the claimfrom the Housing Grant Recaptured Monies applicant. Chuck seconded the motion,motion was unanimous.
Larry will send a letter to Mr. Manis regarding zoning.
Roy reported on the RWD#6 Annual Board Meeting.
The council requested Sandy to contact Bruce Smith fromRWD#3 to attend a city council meeting at his convenience to discuss watersupply.
Jennifer nominated Roy to be the cities representative atthe KRWA Annual Meeting in Wichita March 31, 2005. Mark seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
Justin reported he had found three location of illegaldumping. Three letters are to besent.
There was discussion regarding tubes being replaced. A driveway should be restored with sametype material as removed when necessary.
Chuck made a motion to get the Christmas pole lightsrefurbished by Wayne Manufacturing, the company they were purchased fromoriginally. Tim seconded themotion, motion was unanimous.
The garage sales are to be advertised in the Trading Postonly.
9:55 P.M. Mark motioned to adjourn, Jennifer seconded,unanimous vote.