April 18, 2005 LecomptonCity Council Minute
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks,Jennifer Jones, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, and
City Attorney Larry Hendricks were present. Justin VanWinkle was present if therewere any questions for him.
Tim made a motion to approve the minutes of April 4, 2005with corrections made. Mark secondedthe motion; motion was unanimous.
There was discussion regarding a donation for a Lecomptonstudent graduating from High School. The City Attorney did not think this would be advisable. No action was taken.
Chuck made a motion to approve the accounts payable, Mark secondedthe motion; motion was unanimous.
After discussion regarding Danny Sanford replacing anexisting fence, Mark made a motion no permit was needed. Jennifer seconded the motion, motionwas unanimous.
Gary Bohanan was present to request the city roll back theground on his side of the ditch that had been worked on and seed the ditch. Mr. Bohanan said his water had beenbrown since the lines had been flushed. The council instructed to have Justin to open the two hydrants a smallamount in that area when he came back to work. Mark made a motion to work the ditch on Mr. Bohanan’s sideand reseed. Motion died lack ofsecond. Mr. Bohanan said he wouldcorrect the ditch on his side if the city would reseed, possibly with plasticroll seed. Jennifer made a motionto reseed the ditch. Tim seconded,motion was unanimous.
Nancy Howard and Kathi Fair were present from the PlanningCommission. Nancy asked if theCity Council could have a joint meeting with the Planning Commission May 2,2004. All council members were infavor.
There was discussion regarding a May 20 & 21 LKMconference. Jennifer made a motionto have one person attend the training. Tim seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
There was a discussion regarding Articles 2, 3, 4 in ChapterIV of the Codes. Chuck made amotion to make the same change to Electric, Plumbing and Mechanical fees as hadbeen done for the building code. Tim seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
After discussion of building codes, Tim made a motion toauthorize the Lecompton Planning Commission to review building permits and makerecommendations to the Lecompton City Council. Chuck seconded the motion, the motion was unanimous.
Mark made a motion to hire Donna Crawford as consultant fora survey to been done to see if the city can qualify for present and futuregrants, fee to be $2750.00. Jennifer seconded the motion, the motion was unanimous.
After reviewing the increase for drilling the well fromLayne Western Tim made a motion to rebid the drilling of the well. Mark seconded the motion, the motionwas unanimous. The councilrequested the ad to run 30 days, to be advertised with LKM, and to be sent toSargent Drilling in Nebraska.
There was discussion regarding nuisance letters that weremailed April 7, 2005. Sandy wasinstructed to give a list of the residents letters that had been sent to Larryand he would mail a notice to them.
Chuck made a motion to approve the Lecompton Fair HousingProclamation. Mark seconded, votewas unanimous. (over)
May 6, 2005 there will be a Homeland Security Grant Funds Meetingat the Lawrence Holidome at 8:30 A.M. Justin will attend and possibly Mayor Roy Paslay.
May 10, 2005 Craig Weinaug with Douglas County has asked touse the Lecompton City Office meeting room for a 3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. meetingto help conduct a community housing assessment. The following people said they would like to attend: Mayor Roy Paslay, Council Member ChuckFolks if possible, Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, Planning Commission membersNancy Howard and Kathi Fair.
Housing recaptured monies – City Attorney Larry Hendrickshas mailed a letter and the individual has 10 days from 04/12/2005 to respond.
City Attorney Larry Hendricks will contact the LecomptonPlanning Commission members to meet with them for training session regarding legalissues.
After discussion regarding water meters being turned off, itwas recommended if the meter is owned by another entity that meter can behandled as necessary by that entity.
Mark made a motion to pass Charter Ord. #3, Tim seconded, andmotion was unanimous including the mayor’s vote. Larry informed the City Clerk copies of Charter Ordinancesare to be sent to the Secretary of State.
Chuck made a motion to pass Ord. # 766, Jennifer seconded, andmotion was unanimous.
Tim made a motion to approve Res. #214, Mark seconded, andmotion was unanimous.
After discussion Chuck made a motion if an individual wantsto borrow an animal trap they need to dispose of the animal. Tim seconded the motion, motion wasunanimous.
There was discussion regarding water connection fees. Chuck made a motion to charge $1000 fora water meter plus actual additional costs. (CORRECTION ADDITION: MARK SECONDEDTHE MOTION, MOTION WAS UNANIMOUS).
After discussion regarding the condition of the streets, Timmade a motion to postpone chip and seal North of Woodson until 2006. Chuck seconded the motion. It was also mentioned that a road signon Second Street was in the grass.
After discussion Chuck made a motion regarding Art. 5 sec.4-505 fee be $50. Jennifer secondedthe motion, motion was unanimous.
9:30 P.M. Chuck motioned to adjourn, Jennifer seconded,unanimous vote.