June 6, 2005 Lecompton City CouncilMinute
7:00 P.M. Council President Chuck Folks brought the meetingto order.
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Jennifer Jones,Ed Smith, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, and Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, were present. Mayor Roy Paslay was not present.
Ed made a motion to approve the minutes of May 16, 2005. Jennifer seconded the motion; motionwas unanimous with correction made.
Mark made a motion to approve the accounts payable, Tim secondedthe motion; motion was unanimous.
Dennis Odgers with B.A. Green and a representative fromBartlett West were present to answer any questions regarding a building permitrequest. There will need to be ameter upgrade to 2” installed. TheCity Superintendent and the contractors will work together when installing themeter. Ed Smith made a motion toapprove the building permit for the Lecompton Elementary School. Jennifer Jones seconded the motion,motion was unanimous.
Ron Ricley was present to discuss building permits. If building a 12’ x 12’ shed yes hewould need a building permit. Iffinishing a metal building that the permit has expired on he would need a newpermit. There was discussionregarding access to the water meter at his location. The fence will remain as it is. Mr. Ricley said the meter readers could park in his drive ifthey wished. There was discussionregarding the ditch at his location. Mr. Ricley said he would mow the ditch.
Don Fuston was present to discuss water run off at thechurch parking lot. No action wastaken at this time. Councilmembers will look at the location and discuss it again at the June 20, 2005meeting.
Dave Bogner was present to answer any questions regardingthe audit for year ending December 2004. Dave said checks that were not cashed with in two years needed to havethe money transferred to the account the check was written for and the checkvoided. After discussion Ed made amotion to approve the audit. Jennifer seconded the motion, motion was unanimous. Dave Bogner will be present at the July18, 2005 meeting to discuss the 2006 budget.
City Engineer Kenneth Shetlar and City Clerk Sandra K.Nichols were present June 6, 2005 at 3:00 P.M. to open bids for the WaterSupply Well. The followingcompanies called Mr. Shetlar requesting plans: Layne Christensen Company, Shawnee Mission, KS;Layne-Western, Kansas City, KS.; Sargeant Drilling, Geneva, Nebraska; StraderDrilling Co., Inc. Holton, KS; Patchen Pump & Well Drilling, Lawrence, KS. There were no new bids presented orreceived by mail. Ed made a motionto accept the bid from Layne-Western that was presented October 19, 2004,($59,952), plus the increase of $4,597.00 because we did not receive anyadditional bids. Jennifer secondedthe motion, motion was unanimous.
There was discussion regarding the ordinance for buildingpermits being submitted to the Planning Commission. Ordinances for a fee to be charged for electric &plumbing permits were presented. After discussion Chuck made a motion to table the issues until the June20th meeting. Edseconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
The Welcome to Lecompton signs and the sign by the shopshould be put up this week.
Sandy went to Douglas County and meet with Dennis Albers,GIS mapping. Dennis gave the Citymaps to update street information on.
There was a nuisance violation update given by a councilmember regarding locations that had been sent letters. No action was taken at this time.
There was discussion regarding code violation at 534 Whitfield. The issue was tabled until the June 20thmeeting, after bulk trash pickup.
There was discussion regarding towers permitted inresidential zoning – no action was needed.
Douglas County Zoning and Codes would need to see plans togive an estimate as to number of inspections possibly needed. No action was taken.
There was discussion regarding a pond being cleaned withinthe city limits – no action was needed.
Duncan’s utilities will remain as they have been.
Justin presented issues at the sand/salt storage. He is to continue as he has been and tokeep watch of the situation and report to the council.
Mark reported issues of water in the meter pits and lowpressure at the Mobile Lodge. After discussion it was stated this is not a problem that is the city’sresponsibility. It was requestedthat Justin begin to read the master meters each month.
9:45 Ed made a motion to adjourn, Jennifer seconded, voteunanimous.