June 20, 2005 Lecompton City CouncilMinute
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Jennifer Jones,Ed Smith, Chuck Folks, City ClerkSandy Nichols, Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, and City Attorney LarryHendricks were present.
Mark made a motion to approve the June 6, 2005 minutes, Timand Ed seconded, vote unanimous.
Jennifer mad a motion to approve the accounts payable, Markseconded, vote unanimous.
Project Engineer Kenneth Shetlar was present to presentanalysis of possible regional water sales and to answer questions. Dave Malone will be working on figuresfor 20 year information. Comparison of Rural Development and bonds were discussed. Using this estimated plant informationthere would not be enough water for Lecompton to consider a large developmentproject as had been planned for development on the south east edge of LecomptonCity limits. A new plant aspresented would fit on present acreage. The current Water Rights the city has would be sufficient, locationmight be an issue. Larry andKenneth will both present sample contracts of cities selling water to otherentities.
Ed made a motion for the Mayor to sign contracts andassociating documents regarding the Water Supply Well Contract. Jennifer seconded the motion, motionwas unanimous.
Denzil Hackathorn was present to see what could be doneregarding trucks and loud noise before 9:00 A.M. Justin will talk with the township to see if they are partof the concern.
Justin discussed the use of compound meter at some locationswithin the city. The councilthought he should plan to use compound meters when replacing a meter atnecessary locations.
Justin reported he had done some cleaning on the boat rampthat was requested by Russell LaForce with the Kansas Department of Wildlifeand Parks. The council requestedSandy to notify Mr. LaForce the city is not interested in doing this as they donot have the proper equipment and concerned about safety issues. The Fire Departmentmight be interested.
Council Members reported on the church parking lotissue. Don Fuston is to becontacted to attend the next City Council meeting.
City Superintendent ask if their were any other questionsfor him, there were none, he left the meeting.
There was discussion regarding nuisance letters that hadbeen sent. Mark will reportregarding grass needing to be cut at 534 Whitfield. A letter also needs to be sent regarding refrigerators beinghazardous outside even with latches removed.
It is requested to contact Topeka and Lawrence as to theirprocess of nuisance property cleanup after notification, resolutions andpublications. What contractors dothey use to do the cleanup? Police?
It was requested by the council to contact Ernie Smith toattend a city council meeting to discuss his yard.
There was discussion regarding an easement from a main waterline at 906 Fifth Street. Ed madea motion the setback be 20 feet from the water line. Chuck seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
Chuck made a motion to pass Ordinance 768 regarding metercosts. Jennifer seconded, motionunanimous.
Chuck made a motion to rescind Ordinance 767. Ed seconded the motion, motionunanimous.
Mayor Paslay appointed Jeff Goodrick to the Douglas countyEmergency Management Board. Edmade a motion to accept the Mayor’s appointment, Tim seconded the motion. Motion was unanimous. If he does not accept the LecomptonFire Department should be contacted for names to appoint.
Shawn Martin will need to submit a site plan drawing beforeapproval for building permit can be made.
The council requests the recycle bin not be located so fareast.
After discussion of asphalt patching being completed, Timmade a motion the Superintendent lay asphalt on the new curbing area on Elmorebefore Territorial Days. Chuckseconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
9:20 Mark motioned to adjourn, Jennifer seconded, unanimous.