July 18, 2005 Lecompton City CouncilMinute
7:0 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Ed Smith, ChuckFolks, Jennifer Jones, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, Superintendent JustinVanWinkle, and City Attorney Larry Hendricks were present.
Ed made a motion to approve the July 5, 2005 minutes, Timseconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Ed made a motion to approve the accounts payable, Chuck seconded,and the vote was unanimous.
Bruce Smith, Don Fuston discussed Water Sale Contracts. Don presented some possible changes to make. Time frame, contract time, connectionfees, cost per gallon, volumes needed/wanted, were all discussed – no decisionswere made. The council requestedthat Kenneth Shetlar be invited to attend the August 15 council meeting tofurther discuss these items.
Dave Bogner of Bogner & Long Certified PublicAccountants was present to review the proposed 2006 budget with thecouncil. Ed made a motion topublish a notice for a public hearing for the proposed 2006 budget. Jennifer seconded the motion, themotion was unanimous.
Don Caillouet was present to answer any questions thecouncil might have. There was discussion regarding the size of electric line atthe well and need to upgrade. There was discussion about cleaning of the well that has been inuse. The council requested Mr.Caillouet to work on a maintenance contract cost for cleaning the well on aregular basis. The council wanteda bid for a 100 gpm pump cost. City Attorney Larry Hendricks wanted Mr. Caillouet to see why the bondspurchased in the fall of 2004 could not be added to instead of purchasing newbonds.
Brenda Hastert was present to discuss the possible closingof the bridge in 2007. The councilinstructed Sandy to contact Craig Weinaug to see if a community meeting may beheld with the County Commissioners.
Jennifer made a motion to contract with SBC for 3 yearcontract on long distance calls. Ed seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.
Mayor Roy Paslay appointed Shirley Dinkle and FrankStevenson as an alternate for the Douglas County Metropolitan PlanningCommission. Ed motioned to approvethe appointment, Chuck seconded the motion, and vote was unanimous.
Mark made a motion to approve an electrical permit fromColorado Realistate. Ed & Jennseconded the motion, vote was unanimous.
There was discussion regarding a 14’ x 44’ unit being placedin an “R-1” district. This is notwithin the codes for this district.
Mark is waiting for a call-back regarding nuisance list tobe made.
Chuck will contact contractor for to complete clean up forrecaptured monies for housing grant location. Tim will contact the sheriff to have a deputy available asan independent witness.
Larry will send a letter to Chuck Nehrbass.
Justin has made arrangements for new tubes to be installedon Jones Street.
Justin will continue discussion with Mobile Home Community.
After discussion regarding Lecompton Elementary meterreplacement work, Tim made a motion labor should be charged at two times thecurrent city hourly rate to cover city KPERS, etc. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
After discussion of cost comparisons to clean well, Chuckmade a motion to have Pathcens clean the well this time. Ed seconded the motion, and the votewas unanimous.
Justin reported a pressure washer had not been made at thistime.
9:40 Tim left the meeting.
9:40 Motion made to adjourn to August 1, 2005 6:45 P.M.;seconded; unanimous.