August 1,2005 Lecompton CityCouncil Minute
6:45 P.M.Mayor Roy Paslay brought the Public Hearing for the Lecompton 2006 Budget toorder. Council Members JenniferJones, Tim McNish, and Mark Tunstalll were present. 7:47 Council Member Ed Smith arrived. There were no Lecompton citizenspresent to make comments regarding the 2006 Budget. 7:00 P.M. the Budget Hearing was closed.
7:00 P.M.Mayor Roy Paslay opened the Lecompton City Council meeting.
Tim McNishmade a motion to accept the 2006 Lecompton Budget as proposed. Jennifer seconded the motion, and themotion was unanimous.
Ed made amotion to approve the July 18, 2005 minutes, Tim seconded, and the vote wasunanimous.
Ed made amotion to approve the bills, Mark/Jenn seconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Ed made amotion to correct electric permit 117 to 120. Jennifer seconded the motion, vote was unanimous.
Ed made amotion to pass Ordinance # 770 regarding the 2006 Budget. Mark seconded the motion, vote wasunanimous.
Alicia Janeskofrom Lawrence Chamber of Commerce was present to present Quarterly ActivityReport and a brochure on Douglas County Business Retention and ExpansionPrograms. Alicia will sendinformation about wages in Douglas County.
Dave Maloneand Rick Ensz were present to answer any questions regarding purchase ofbonds. Dave stated the interestrate to be 3.30%. After discussionEd Smith made a motion to pass ordinance #771 authorizing certain improvementto the water supply system of the City of Lecompton, KS, together with allthings necessary and incidental thereto, under the authority of K.S., A.,65-163u. Jennifer Jones secondedthe motion, the vote was unanimous.
Ed Smith madea motion to pass resolution #216 regarding funding for water systemimprovements, Jennifer Jones seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.
Nuisanceviolation on Whitfield: Markreported the refrigerator is gone. At this time the location is not in violation the nuisance violation. There had been a report from a citizenof concern for health issues in the back yard. Mark will watch this location.
Afterdiscussion regarding land at the east end of Woodson, the subject was tableduntil the August 15 meeting.
Sandy is tocheck with Larry to see what the status is with KDHE regarding this area. The council would like to haverecommendations from KDHE or a letter stating they have approved thestatus.
Sandy gave areport of several patrons that had used over 10,000 gallons of water the monthof July.
Justin gave anupdate report regarding Well #4. Jennifer made a motion to approve the purchaseof a 100/minute pump if a new pump has to be purchased. Mark seconded the motion, vote wasunanimous.
Hearingregarding grant, Donna Crawford: If Donna does not have to be present have the hearing on Sept. 6,2005. Sandy is to makearrangements with Donna: if Donnaneeds to be present, have the hearing Sept. 7, 2005.
A letter fromLecompton Methodist church was tabled until the August 15, 2005 meeting. Sandy is to write a letter to theLecompton Methodist Church board regarding the parking lot and a time framethey will take care of this.
Councilapproved Mayor Paslay signing letter for Bogner & Long to audit the 2005financial statements.
A letter waspresented from Don Caillouet with Layne-Western stating the 2005 bonds for theadditional costs were added to the bonds purchased in 2004.
Justinreports: information he had found when shopping for a new pressure washer;transmission problems on the 2 ton truck ñ Doug is researching this; new radiator in the dump truck; KU schooling Wed, Thur, and Fri.; nonew information regarding meters at the Mobile Lodge; power washer discussion; Justin is to buy a power washer from TSC or Orschlenís.
Sandy is todiscuss with Craig Weinaug the location of the August 17, 2005 meeting.
9:55 P.M.Jennifer made a motion to adjourn, Ed seconded, vote unanimous.