August 15, 2005 LecomptonCity Council Minute
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meetingto order. Council Members JenniferJones, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks, Mark Tunstalll, Superintendent JustinVanWinkle, City Attorney Larry Hendricks and City Clerk Sandy Nichols werepresent. Kenneth Shetlar from SKWwas present. Glen Sohl waspresent.
Mark made a motion to approve the August 1, 2005 minutes, Edseconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills, Ed seconded, andthe vote was unanimous.
Glen Sohl asked question regarding possibilities ofdevelopment on ground on the SE corner of Woodson and Eisenhower Drive. The council recommended he attend aPlanning Commission meeting.
The council discussed cost recommendation with Mr. Shetlarif selling water to other agencies. Jennifer made a motion to have Larry draw up a contract, contingent oncost, with RWD#3 with purchase price of $3.40 per thousand gallons. Ed seconded the motion, vote wasunanimous.
Kenneth presented information from Layne-Western that thenew well would pump 300 per min. Kenneth presented itemized invoice # 10483670 recommended forpayment. Chuck made a motion topay Layne-Western $39, 049.00 when bonds are received. Ed seconded the motion, vote wasunanimous.
The city council has chosen to have the electrical systemdone as bid at the well. They arenot going to install a 6 foot manhole with valves. They will not install an electrical switch that is includedin the bid.
Justin and Kenneth reported on sewer lift stations they hadchecked in the city. Justin is toget an estimate of the cost to rebuild the non-working pump. Justin is to try and find an agreementfor the lift station on Woodson. It was recommended to check with Dusty Dark for information regardingthe pumps if necessary.
A letter from the Lecompton United Methodist Church Boardregarding Ord. 769 was read. Noaction was taken.
There was discussion regarding the Nehrbass pad area onEisenhower Drive. Larry presentedinformation from KDHE regarding this area. Oct. 2004 letter stated KDHE had no problems with this area. No action was taken.
There was discussion regarding the salt/sand storage area.
There was discussion regarding unpaid water bill if alocation was sold. The watercannot be turned on until the bill is paid.
There was discussion regarding two master meters that arenot functioning at the Mobile Lodge Community. The council requested a letter be sent to Colorado RealEstate and cc: to Lana Keever that the meters will be replaced with similarmeters. Chuck made a motion theMobile Lodge will be billed for water usage read from the two mastermeters. The Mobile Lodge will bebilled sewer and trash for each lot within the Mobile Lodge Community also. Mark seconded the motion, vote wasunanimous.
Justin reported the transmission on the truck is still beingchecked. There is a partyinterested in purchase of the truck. No action was taken.
A letter was read from Mr. Hemelrick requesting not to pay a$100 deposit. The council agreedto follow the codes stating a deposit would be necessary.
Leah Nichols had sent an email resigning from the BZA as thePC representative as she is no longer on the PC.
Mayor Roy Paslay appointed Nancy Howard to the BZA as the PCrepresentative.
Chip and seal will be started toward the end of the week ifpossible. It was reported there isa whole in the area of Pollard’s that should be check. There are also spots on ¬Clark andThird Streets that should be checked.
Paul Bahnmaier supplied a map sponsored by WIBW that did notinclude Lecompton as one of the towns in Douglas County. Because there are two businessesadvertising in this map a letter is requested to be sent requesting Lecomptonbe added.
There was discussion regarding deposits at the Mobile LodgeCommunity: there will be nodeposit required for the Master Meters. Citizen’s deposits will be transferred at a date to be establishedlater.
Chuck made a motion to have a 6:00 P.M. Special Meeting August16, 2005 at the lagoons and then transfer to the Community Building for a jointmeeting at 6:35 P.M. meeting with the Douglas County Commissions for aLecompton Community meeting. Edseconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.
9:35 P.M. the meeting was adjourned to 6:45 P.M. Sept. 6,2005.