September 6, 2005

September 6, 2005 PUBLICHEARING
6:45 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meetingto order. The Public Hearing toconsider an application to be submitted for CDBG funds was opened by Mayor RoyPaslay. Council President ChuckFolks, Council Members Tim McNish, Ed Smith and Mark Tunstall werepresent. Council Member JenniferJones was absent. Garrett waspresent representing GAS. Therewere no members from the public present for comments regarding the publichearing. Tiffany Ball, City Treasurer,was present. Garrett presented each resolution needing to bepassed. All council members andthe mayor each had copies to review. 7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay closed the Public Hearing. Regular City Council meetingresumed. Ed Smith made a motion toapprove Resolutions 217, seeking funding through KS Dept of Commerce; 218 assuring KS Dept of Commerce thatfunds will be provided for operation & maintenance of improvements to watersystem, and 219 certifying legal authority to apply for 2006 CDBG grant. Tim seconded the motion, motion wasunanimous.

Ed made a motion to approve the August 15, 2005 minutes,Chuck seconded, and the vote was unanimous.

Ed made a motion to approve the bills, Mark seconded, andthe vote was unanimous.

Donna Benton was present inquiring about a buildingpermit. There was no buildingpermit required for a shed
on blocks.

A building permit for 440 Isacks owned by Brea Black waspresented. After review by allmembers Mark made a motion to approve the building permit for 440 Isacks. Ed seconded the motion, vote wasunanimous.

Tiffany talked with the council regarding playgroundequipment. Mark made a motion tofix/replace swings, ladder, and to replace spring on spring toys wherenecessary. Chuck seconded themotion, vote was unanimous.

Kirk Keberlein from SCI Cable Company was present to reporton a new franchise contract. Hewill return with a hard copy. Healso report update work the company has planned for the future.

8:00 P.M. Tiffany left.

A possible contract for selling water to RWD#3 waspresented. A copy was also beingreviewed by RWD#3 board. No actionwas taken.

The council was requested by the City Clerk to consider theincrease of Westar rates and to keep this in mind for 2007 budget.

The Brownies are checking on the possibility having acollection location for aluminum cans. The cans would go to Habitat and they would pick them up. The council would like for arepresentative to present a plan of the size of the collection unit and discusslocation.

After discussion of up coming expenses Ed made a motion tohave Sandy check with First State Bank and Douglas County Bank to cash in theCD with the lest amount of penalty. Chuck seconded the motion, vote was unanimous.

Justin is to continue work on the meter replacements at theMobile Lodge Community area.

There was discussion regarding the salt/sand storage areawhich is still eroding. Thecouncil would like for City Attorney Larry Hendricks to research possibleoptions of the wash coming down the hill belonging to Chuck Nerhbass. The council is concerned that the siltcould wash into the lagoons.

Tim reported he had a call regarding the entrance to thealley north of Woodson between Elmore and Halderman. Justin was requested to put rock there to correct theproblem as much as possible.

Chuck reported Don Fuston told him they would be working onthe church parking lot soon.

Justin was asked to see if the sunflowers on Woodson west ofClark could be cut with the Township mower.

There was discussion regarding a letter being sent regardingzoning issue at 334 Clark Lot A. There has been no response. The council requests Larry to send a letter.

9:04 P.M. Chuck made a motion to adjourn, Ed seconded, andvote was unanimous.