October 3, 2005 LecomptonCity Council Minuets
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meetingto order. Council Members MarkTunstall, Tim McNish, Jennifer Jones and Chuck Folks were present, Ed Smitharrived. Tiffany Ball, City Treasurer, Justin VanWinkle, City Superintendent,and Sandy Nichols, City Clerk were present. Two students were present to observe a City Council meeting.
It was noted the dollar amount was left out of check number5173 on the record of ordinance for the September 19, 2005 meeting.
Chuck made a motion to approve the September 19, 2005minutes, Ed seconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills, Chuck seconded, andthe vote was unanimous.
Justin reported he has 9 vacation days and 1 floating day totake off before the end of the year.
Mark reported washing at 5th and Whitfield. Justin will work on it. Chuck reported during the heavy rainsthe wash at the lagoons was black coming from above. 7:10 Justin left the meeting.
Chris Sailors was not present for a building permit.
Ed made a motion to approve the request for an electricalpermit from Owen Mallonee. Chuckseconded the motion, vote was unanimous.
Gary Kroeger was present to request something be doneconcerning a dog that has been threatening customers and residents in his area. The City Council requested staff tosend a copy of the leash ordinance and a letter to the dog’s owners at 527Boone Street. Justin is to make aconcentrated effort to trap the dog.
7:25 P.M. Tiffany Ball left the meeting.
No SCI contract had been presented. There was discussion regarding how thecouncil would like the franchise fee to be figured. Staff was instructed to contact Larry to consider how thismight be changed.
Kathi Fair was present representing the PlanningCommission. Brad Coletta had senta resignation letter to the Planning Commission and Mayor Paslay. Kathi said Bruce Liese would beinterested in a position on the Planning Commission. Mayor Paslay will appoint an individual after the PlanningCommission has accepted Brad Coletta’s resignation.
There was discussion regarding remodeling work for theCommunity Building. KAN STEP wasone possibility. The City Councilwould like for the Planning Commission to investigate possibilities if it wouldnot interfere with projects they have on going at this time.
After discussion of possible locations to hang the Lecomptonsign it was decided to hang it in the office to be seen as one enters thedoor. The council requested Justinhang the sign.
Mayor Paslay reported there is a 9’ x 9’ “L” shaped rock inWindfield, KS that Lance Roberts would bring to Lecompton if we areinterested. Mayor Paslay will talkto Paul Bahnmaier regarding a location for the rock.
There was discussion regardingthe City’s Christmas 2005. Markwill check on a tree. Thecommittee working on the decorations is to look at the wooden display and seewhat the needs are. Maybe an EagleScout or a high school student would like to use the old items for replacementpatterns, if replacement is needed. The committee is instructed to look over supplies and needs and do whatis best. It was decided to use thesame guidelines that were used for 2004. There will be a Christmas Holiday decorating contest: first prize $150; second prize $100;third prize $50. There will be aCity Christmas decorating planning meeting 1:30 P.M. Oct. 16 at the CommunityBuilding. It was approved to put arequest for donation of decorations in the newsletter. It was requested a notice be put on thesign regarding the Oct. 16 meeting. Justin is to schedule time with Westar to hang decorations. (over)
There was discussion regarding the air-conditioner at theCommunity Building. It wasreported to be throwing the breaker switch frequently. No repairs will be made untiladditional information is received regarding repairs of the building. The City Council would like to have thefans in the Community Building replaced with five blade fans extended at thecurrent length.
Mayor Paslay will meet with an AA representative regardinguse of the Community Building Monday October 31, 2005.
Regulations for persons using the community building willhave the following additions added: Tables will be folded and placed on the rack against the wall; bathroom trash will also be removed;out by mid-night.
It was approved to include the SM Ball information in the2005 Fall Newsletter.
There was discussion regarding changes to billing after allthe work is completed replacing the master meters. This discussion will continue when the city attorney ispresent.
There was nothing to report on the salt/sand storage orrezoning of property on Eisenhower Drive.
The City Attorney had left a message stating he had a phoneconference with Craig Weinaug, a representative or the Sheriff’s Department,counselor and attorney regarding the zoning violation on Second Street. The Sheriff’s Department has requesteda court order before assisting. Larry said he would work on this, it will take some time.
There was discussion regarding work to be done on thesidewalk south of the park. Markwill explore more options and report back to the council.
There was discussion regarding changing a name on theutility bill if a spouse dies. Thediscussion will continue when Larry is present.
Gail Tompkins requested water not be turned on account #5 ifsomeone came in and put a deposit down. The council said they could not deny citizen water.
It was requested to have the minimum water charge at Kroeger’sApartments available for future discussions.
9:20 P.M. Chuck made a motion to adjourn, Ed seconded, andvote was unanimous.