November 7, 2005 LecomptonCity Council Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meetingto order. Council Members MarkTunstall, Tim McNish, Jennifer Jones, Ed Smith, and Chuck Folks werepresent. Justin VanWinkle, CitySuperintendent, Sandy Nichols, City Clerk, and Tiffany Ball, City Clerk, werepresent. Citizens Dirk Bowser andJimmy Wilkins were present.
Ed Smith motioned to approve the minutes from the October17, 2005 meeting. Tim McNishseconded the motion, vote was unanimous.
Chuck Folks motioned to approve the bills. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion, votewas unanimous.
Ed made a motion to accept a building permit request fromUSD 343 to add an addition to the concession stand. Mark seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
After discussion regarding a letter from Larry Cyr thecouncil agreed for Mr. Cyr to pay for sewer only. The sewer payment cannot be taken out of the deposit. After discussion of a building permitsubmitted by Mr. Cyr, Ed made a motion to deny the request for a porch/storagebuilding as this location is a nonconforming use in an R-1 zoning district andtherefore there cannot be an added entrance area. Mark seconded the motion, vote was unanimous. A letter is to be sent to Gail Tompkinsas the owner of the property and a copy sent to Mr. Cyr regarding sewer billingand building permit request.
Tiffany Ball resigned as City Treasurer to be effective whena new City Treasurer is hired. City Council requested an ad, noting position available and stating,“must be bondable, be posted in the Lawrence Journal World, notice posted atthe post office, Kroeger’s, and on the park sign.
Jennifer Jones made a motion to approved supporting aMedicare Rx meeting being held at the Perry American Legion. Chuck seconded the motion, motion wasunanimous.
Letters were shared regarding KDOT meeting and Biosecuritymeeting.
It was reported Don Fuston had mowed the church parking lotarea.
There was discussion regarding overflow of the watertower. It was reported thatactions are being taken to alleviate this problem.
After discussion that the Community Building was left withtrash, sticky floor and wall, the council requested the deposit check isdeposited and the Youth group be notified. Another deposit check will be needed before they can use theCommunity Building again.
There was discussion regarding dogs located at 130 E.Woodson being of concern when reading the meter. It was suggested to purchase pepper spray.
Sandy reported on a meeting she and Justin attendedregarding naming and number of streets concerning 911 issues. The committee will meet a couple oftimes a year.
The City Council was notified of a customer that was unhappywith the service he received regarding a high water bill.
There was discussion regarding the New Resident Informationform. The City Council agreed toadd”10% late charge after the 10th and to omit “if the city comes toyour residence for payment” statement.
After discussion regarding travel trailers not being tieddown in the mobile park at Clark & Woodson, Tim made a motion to send aletter to Gail regarding the violation. The violation is to be corrected, request a hearing or attend the Nov.21 City Council meeting. The cityclerk is to see if this is a violation prior to sending the letter.
There was discussion regarding propane tanks over 25 gallonsin trailer parks. The topic wastabled at this time.
8:58 P.M. Mark made a motion to adjourn, Jennifer secondedthe motion. Four approved, EdSmith apposed. The motion carried.