January 2, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meeting to order. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Ed Smith, Chuck Folks and Jennifer Jones were present. Justin VanWinkle, City Superintendent, Tiffany Ball and Georgia Wingfield, and Sandy Nichols, City Clerk, were present.
Ed Smith motioned to approve the minutes of December 19, 2005. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion, vote was unanimous.
Ed motioned to approve the bills. Mark seconded the motion, vote was unanimous.
Mark motioned to approve the building permit application at 510 Halderman. Chuck seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.
Brenda Bohannan was present; she has issues with the water – orange every 2 -3 days. Roy said he would see what can be done. Justin is asked to check tomorrow.
Roger Bartels was present to be advised how to continue with zoning issue on Whitfield. Roger will check with survey for further information and possibly the surveyor.
There was discussion regarding parking west of the church on Elmore. Roy requested at least on (CORRECTION: one) “no parking” sign be put up.
Council approved Georgia attending Municipal Finance Meeting Jan. 21, 2006 with Sandy.
Mark made a motion to send a letter with dog ordinances to the following locations: resident on 7th street, Halderman, Jeff Goodrick and Tim McNish. Tim seconded the motion, vote was unanimous. It is recommended to put the dog/cat leash ordinances in the spring paper.
Those paying 2 minimums should received 4000 gallons of water for the first step in the future.
Sandy is requested to send a letter to CREICO regarding the past due account of a resident. Water was turned off in July, 2005.
The following dates are approved to put in the spring newsletter: Vet Clinic, Saturday April 22, 2006; Annual Garage Sales, Friday – Saturday, June 2 -4, 2006; Bulk Trash Saturday June 10, 2006; Territorial Days
Sandy is requested to send a letter to Greg Bloom requesting proof of insurance on the dogs by Feb. 6, 2006 or the dogs will need to be removed from town.
There was another discussion regarding red water at Bohannan’s. Justin is requested to flush the entire town at least twice a year. Check with Bob Folks to see how his water is.
Justin will be trimming trees that are in the right-of-way. He is to also check with the county regarding fading signs along Woodson Ave.
8:06 P.M. Mark motioned to adjourn, Ed seconded the motion, and vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk