February 6, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meeting to order. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Ed Smith, Chuck Folks were present, Jennifer Jones was absent. Justin VanWinkle, City Superintendent, Georgia Wingfield, City Treasurer, Sandy Nichols, City Clerk and Planning Commission members, Kathi Fair, and Bruce Liese were present.
Ed Smith motioned to approve the January 16, 2006 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.
After notation that check # 5459 was for no parking signs and discussion of bills, Mark Tunstall motioned to approve the bills. Chuck Folks seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Ed made a motion to accept the year end report. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Paul Bahnmaier was present to present information on needed replacements of some signs. There are plans to also repaint the sign on the NE corner of Woodson and Elmore. The Historical Society will be paying for any costs. The council was in agreement with the plans.
Patrick Gottstein was present to ask if the council would be interested in looking at a bid for the city insurance. The council agreed to meet with Mr. Gottstein to discuss his bid.
Jimmy Wilkins was present representing the Lecompton Ball Association. After discussion Ed made a motion to donate $300 to the Lecompton Ball Association. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Kathi Fair and Bruce Liese were present from the Lecompton Planning Commission. Kathi gave the City Council an update on the Community Building progress. The council said they would be interested in meeting with a representative from the State Historical Society.
There was discussion regarding sending agendas for City Council meetings to Kathi Fair of the Lecompton Planning Commission and Mike Belt with the LJW. If the minutes are on the web there is no need to email minutes. Not necessary to send agendas.
Greg Bloom had brought proof of insurance into the office.
Notice of CDBG grant funding being denied was presented. The Council requested Donna Crawford be contacted to come to a meeting to discuss where the City ranked and future plans. Justin will contact Bruce Smith with RWD#3 to let him know the grant funding was denied.
There was not a representative present for the Shaner building permit. Robert Shaner had called the City Office and spoke with Mayor Paslay. Mayor Paslay stated an electrical upgrade permit would be needed once the permit application is completed and presented.
There was discussion regarding location fuel is purchased. There was discussion purchasing locally. There was discussion using tax payers dollars efficiently. The council recommended purchasing locally when convenient and balancing with prices at other locations. Where Justin chooses to eat his lunch is not a city issue.
A revised New Resident form was presented. After review, a request to add a revised date to the form was made. Ed made a motion to approve the New Resident form with the revised date added. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Georgia and Sandy are to learn how to put the minutes on the web site.
Ed made a motion to add the Lecompton web site, http://lecompton.org/, to the New Resident form. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mark asked Justin if he could return the sign to the Tree Farm.
Justin discussed the possible shared purchase of a 1997 model chipper with the City of Lecompton, the City of Perry and the Lecompton Township. Each agency would pay approximately $500. The council was interested and instructed Justin to continue to checking on this.
A letter regarding Travel Trailers not permitted in Trailer Parks could be sent to MLC.
Utility Account #14 non-payments will be discussed when the Lecompton City Attorney is present.
Because Ron Ricley was out of town the City Clerk is requested to send his certified letter regarding chickens again.
Bruce Liese suggested the Lecompton web site be connected to the Douglas County web site. There was no opposition to this being done.
Shawn Martin and Donna Higgins were present to request a building permit. There was discussion where the sewer line would be placed. Chuck made a motion to pay to locate the depth of the sewer line on the south side of 7th street for the purpose of this building permit request. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Justin will meet with the contractor.
John Chaney was not present regarding a building permit. He had called and will attend the next City Council meeting. There was discussion regarding this area having been platted and the possibility that it would have to go before the Planning Commission again because of the time lapse.
There was discussion regarding a zoning violation with goats present at 625 Woodson. No reports of the goats being there have been seen and the council believes this to be taken care of at this time.
Information has been received via email regarding skate parks. The council requests the information to be printed and filed for future reference.
Mark will continue to work on bids for brick sidewalk repair.
8:34 P.M. Chuck motioned to adjourn, Tim seconded the motion, and vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk