February 21, 2006

February 21, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes

7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meeting to order. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Ed Smith, Jennifer Jones were present, Jennifer Chuck Folks was absent. City Attorney, Larry Hendricks, Justin VanWinkle, City Superintendent, Georgia Wingfield, City Treasurer, Sandy Nichols, City Clerk and Planning Commission members, Kathi Fair, and Bruce Liese were present.

Ed Smith made a motion to approve the February 6, 2006 minutes. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Ed made a motion to approve the bills. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

There was an inquiry regarding payment of an account at the MLC. It was acknowledged the account had been paid.

Jason Dexter was present to inquire if a building permit would be necessary for a replica of Fort Titus to be placed on a concrete slab. This would a portable replica. The slab would be 16’ x 16’, Fort 10’ x 12’ with a 4’ porch. The City Council requested a drawing of the location be brought to the City Office. Mark made a motion to approve the building permit subject to the mayor’s approval. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Shawn Martin was present to request a building permit. After discussion, Ed made a motion to approve the building permit. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Donna Crawford was present to discuss possible reasons the CDBG grant was not funded. Donna also reported there would be no more surveys needed until 2012 if the city chooses to apply for future grants. Donna will do additional checking on the lack of funding and get back with the city.

Bruce Smith was present to discuss the direction RWD#3 is preceding. At this time they have applied for additional water rights and are studying needs for near term and will be looking into 20 plus years needs this summer.

John Chaney was present to discuss plans for building a couple of homes in the Southcrest Addition. He will attend the March 13, 2006 Planning Commission meeting.

Nancy Cook was present to answer any questions regarding the Cooperation Agreement in connection with the issuance of single family mortgage revenue bonds. After discussion Jennifer Jones made a motion to authorize Mayor Paslay to sign Resolution #220 and any necessary papers. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

The council requests Kenneth Shetlar be contacted to attend the March 20, 2006 City Council meeting. They would like to discuss filter, settling basins and upgrades to the water plant.

Larry was notified to contact Craig Weinaug if his assistance could be used regarding 2nd street. Larry will check with the bonding counsel for information regarding future procedures on the temporary notes. There was discussion of the possibility to have a budget meeting to present interests to Bogner & Long. Sandy is to bring budget ideas to next meeting.

Information was presented and discussed regarding health insurance. Members will study and revisit this topic and the March 6, 2006 meeting.

It was approved to include the “Hearing” notice for past due water payments in the letter being sent. It was recommended to print the information in bold lettering. Be sure the information includes all needed information as stated in 15-103 of the city codes.

There was discussion of meter deposit at MLC. It was stated the change of service at that location was at the city’s request and there should be no deposit necessary until ownership change.

Justin informed the council that the State requires a meter to meter raw water. Ed made a motion to give Justin approval to purchase meter. Tim seconded the motion was and the vote was unanimous.

Job description discussion is tabled to March 6, 2006 meeting.

Council will review Newsletter information presented for discussion at the next meeting.

There was discussion regarding sidewalk work south of the park. Mark will continue to check on options and report to the council.

9:20 P.M. Ed motioned to adjourn, Mark seconded the motion, and vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk