April 3, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meeting to order. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Ed Smith and Jennifer Jones were present. Chuck Folks was absent. Justin VanWinkle, City Superintendent, Georgia Wingfield, City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols, City Clerk, were present.
Mark Tunstall motioned to approve the minutes of March 20, 2006. Tim McNish seconded the motion, vote was unanimous.
Ed Smith motioned to approve the bills. Mark seconded the motion, vote was unanimous.
Resident Harold Bunce was present to request the City Council to consider approval of Mr. Chaney’s development of lots at their present size.
Gordy Sailors was present to discuss building permit, sewer lines and water lines regarding Bill & Betty Leslie’s request for a building permit. Mr. Sailors will attend the April 17, 2006 City Council meeting with additional information.
A thank you letter and a $25 check were presented from Friends of Sobriety regarding the use of the Community Building.
After discussion the City Council approved the City Clerk to reply to LJW letter regarding agendas.
Information was presented regarding Africanized Honeybee that had been received from Douglas County Emergency Management.
It was reported contact had been made regarding the phone franchise and will continue working toward a new franchise.
After discussion it was decided to place a notice in the fall newsletter regarding senior discount for trash service.
There was discussion that Georgia’s time attending City Council meetings would not be applied to the 10hours of City Treasurer work. She will be paid for the time attending City Council meetings.
Old ordinances are fine the way they are currently filed.
After discussion, it is approved for Justin to contact city resident regarding removal of tires asap.
After discussion, Ed made a motion to purchase four tables for the Community Building of the same quality last purchased. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
After discussion, the City Clerk is requested to contact Dave Bogner and ask, what the best way to have funds available for renovation of the Community Building with the ability to use that money for other uses if desired. Should the City have an equipment fund?
8:30 P.M. Mark made a motion to adjourn to the April 10, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk
April 10, 2006
7:00 P.M. meeting with Lecompton Planning Commission. Lecompton City Council members present were Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish and Ed Smith. After discussion with John Chaney regarding Southcrest subdivision the Lecompton Planning Commission requested Mr. Chaney meet with the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Shirley Dinkel gave written resignation from the Planning Commission stating May 8, 20006 would be her last meeting.
Planning Commission adjourned.
There was discussion with City Council member regarding the need of a deposit by Tim McNish. Tim will pay the deposit.
8:00 P.M. Ed made a motion to adjourn, Mark seconded the motion.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk