April 17, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meeting to order.
Oath of office was taken by Council Members Ed Smith, Charles Folks and Bruce S. Liese.
Council Members Mark Tunstall and Tim McNish were also present. Justin VanWinkle, City Superintendent, Georgia Wingfield, City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols, City Clerk, and Larry Hendricks, City Attorney were present.
Chuck Folks nominated Tim McNish for City Council President. Mark Tunstall seconded the nomination and the vote was unanimous.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the April 3 & 10, 2006 minutes. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Chuck made a motion to approve the bills. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Paula Kellogg was present to represent Gordy Sailors presentation of information regarding a building permit for Bill & Betty Leslie. Cost information was given to the council regarding sewer pipe and size; 4” PVC $.95 per ft; 8” $3.50 per ft; Truss 8” $4.75 per ft. The city council was not interested in enlarging the sewer pipe at this time but would like to request an easement to the sewer line. The council request Mr. Sailors to notify Mr. Leslie if a lot is sold an 8” line would have to be installed at that time. Mark made a motion to approve the building permit. Bruce Liese seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
After discussion with Mr. Chaney, Mark made a motion to approve building permits for Lots 29 & 30 in the Southcrest Subdivision contingent on a contract that the sewer, water, Southcrest streets and Seventh Street work will be completed be for the homes will be occupied or sold. Work will begin no later than six months on the streets. There will also be a letter of funds credit from the bank in the amount of $250,000.Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Ed made a motion to approve the building permit for remodeling for Tim McNish with fees to be assessed when the valuation process is available. Chuck seconded the motion. Tim McNish abstained, four votes approved the motion.
Mark made a motion to approve a building permit for a deck for Justin and Amy Paslay contingent on set back information. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
After discussion regarding chickens on Whitfield, the council asked Tim to hand deliver a letter to Ron Ricley. A form verifying time delivered and signed by Mr. Ricley or Mr. McNish is to be furnished to Mr. McNish.
A bid of $5950 was submitted for repair of the sidewalk south of the park. Chuck made a motion to have the sidewalk brick redone from the alley east to the north/south walk. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Douglas County Engineer requested one Lecompton representative be present for meetings regarding the deck replacement on 1029 bridge over the Kansas River. After discussion, Council Members Mark, Bruce and Mayor Paslay will rotate the meetings when necessary.
It was noted that Shirley Dinkle had submitted a written resignation from the Lecompton Planning Commission. Planning Commission President Kathi Fair was present and stated that Ms. Dinkle would have time to be on the Board of Zoning Appeals.
There was discussion that the Council had not received a letter from the BZA regarding a variance on Whitfield. Mr. Bartel will be contacted by Council Member Tunstall.
City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle expressed concern of the ability to read the water meter at 130 E. Woodson do to dogs. The council expressed concern for the safety of the employee and requested a letter be sent to the location stating the dogs will need to be confined so meter may be read. To continue service this issue will need to be addressed.
There was discussion regarding people walking in the fenced area of the lagoons. The City Council requests a letter be sent to the individuals stating the health and safety concerns and that the area is posted “no trespassing”.
9:06 Chuck made a motion to go into executive session regarding non-elective personnel for 15 minutes. 9:21 back to regular session.
Ed made a motion to make Georgia Wingfield a permanent part-time employee, to raise her pay to $10 per hour and to include more hours for training. The motion was seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Mayor Paslay appointed Jennifer Smith to the Lecompton Planning Commission. Ed made a motion to approve the appointment. Chuck seconded the appointment and the vote was unanimous.
The City Clerk is to contact City Engineer Kenneth Shetlar, to see if they have someone who would be available to inspect water, sewer and streets regarding the Southcrest Subdivision.
9:30 P.M. Chuck made a motion to adjourn, Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk