May 1, 2006

May 1, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes

7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meeting to order.

Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks and Ed Smith present. Council Member Bruce Liese was absent. Justin VanWinkle, City Superintendent, Georgia Wingfield, City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols, City Clerk were present.

Chuck Folks made a motion to approve the April 17, 2006 minutes. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Chuck made a motion to approve the bills. Ed Smith seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Paul Bahnmaier recommended the City should send a thank you to Henry’s Plant Farm for disconnect they gave on the flowers purchased. After discussion, Chuck made a motion to approve the additional $47.80 bill for flowers purchased by Paul Bahnmaier and to send a thank you to Henry’s Plant Farm. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Jamin and Annette Nally were present to discuss a building permit. No action was taken.

Tim McNish reported a letter had been hand delivered by him to Ron Ricley. The subject was tabled until the first meeting in June.

Dirk Bowser was present representing the Lecompton Ball Association. After discussion it was decided to waive a building permit fee for a deck but to issue a building permit. Ed made a motion to approve the deck permit. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Mayor Paslay made the following appointments:
Superintendent/animal control Justin VanWinkle
Treasurer Georgia Winfield
City Clerk Sandy Nichols
City Attorney Larry Hendricks
Bank Douglas County Bank, and First State Bank of Perry
Paper Lawrence Journal World
Planning Commission Greg Trendel, Jimmy Wilkins, Jeff Robertson
Ed made a motion to approve the mayor’s appointments. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Theresa Bower requested to use the Community Building May 3, 2006 and to have fees waived. The use would be for the LES 4th grade students. Mark made a motion to waive the fees for May 3 Community Building use by the LES 4th grade students. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Paul Bahnmaier requested to the use of the Community Building May 24, 2006 for Shawnee Heights’ students to eat if it was raining. Mark made a motion to waive fees for the use the Community Building May 24 by Paul Bahnmaier and students. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Justin and Mark will work together working on the walk replacement south of the park. Justin will have lime rock washings and sand available for work on the sidewalk south of the park.

Acct. # 250 balance will need to be paid in full by the owner before water can be turned on.

There was discussion regarding dogs on Woodson. No action was taken, tabled until next meeting.
The City Clerk reported a conversation regarding variance on Whitfield that she had with John Riggs. Mr. Riggs said because an error was made in issuing a building permit – consider it an administrative error and move on.
It was reported 23 city animal licenses were purchase at the Vet Clinic.

Kenneth Shetlar said SKW would have the capabilities to do inspections in the Southcrest subdivision for water, sewers and streets.

There was discussion regarding when the city attorney should be called. No action was taken.

7:40 P.M. Chuck motioned to adjourn to the May 8, 2006 Planning Commission meeting.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk