June 12, 2006 PC

JUNE 12, 2006

Meeting was called to order by President, Jim Wilkins at 7:03 PM

The commission members attending were Jim Wilkins, Jennifer Smith, Jeff Robertson, Kim Richeter, Greg Trendel, Nancy Howard.

Minutes from April 10th was approved by Nancy Howard and seconded by Greg Trendel. Minutes from the May 8th meeting was approved by Greg Trendel and seconded by Jeff Robertson.

Jim Wilkins introduced Kim Richeter as our new Planning Commission member.

Planning Commission discussed the Goodrich property in Lecompton, wanting to be rezoned to C-2. It was recommended that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council of Lecompton to rezone the property per a public hearing which will be held on July 10th, 2006. Jennifer Smith made a motion and Jeff Robertson seconded the motion.
All approved with a 6 to 0 vote.
It was agreed that the city clerk would send letters to all homeowners that should be notified and set up publication in newspaper as per rezoning requirements.

Old business was the discussion of the upcoming bridge situation and meetings and the remodeling of the Community Building.

New business consisted of Jim Wilkins resigning as Planning Commission member due to “other obligations” demanding of his time. His resignation was accepted. Planning Commission then nominated and approved Gregg Trendel as the new president of the Planning Commission, nominated by Jeff Robertson and seconded by Jennifer Smith. Motion approved.

Discussed having John Riggs come to a meeting to update and answer questions by the Planning Commission. Discussed recommending Darby to become a new Planning Commission member.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Kim Richeter and seconded by Jeff Roberson. Motion approved.