August 21, 2006 CDGB Public Hearing Minutes
6:45 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay opened the CDGB Public Hearing. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Chuck Folks, Bruce Liese, Tim McNish, and Ed Smith were present. City Attorney Larry Hendricks, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, and City Treasure Georgia Wingfield were present. Others present: Bob Morris, Iona Spencer, Opal Goodrick, Elsie Meddleton, Paul Bahnmaier and Darlene Paslay.
Donna Crawford from Governmental Assistance Services was present information regarding the CDBG Grant the City of Lecompton is applying for. She was also available to answer questions.
7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay closed the Public Hearing
August 21, 2006 Lecompton City Council Meeting
7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay opened the Regular City Council Meeting.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of August 7 and both Special Meetings of August 14, 2006. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Ed made a motion to accept the bills. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
It was discussed the council will be paid for two separate meetings of August 14, 2006.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve Resolution 226 Certifying legal authority to apply for the 2007 Kansas small cities CDBG program from the Kansas Dept of commerce and authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit such an application. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Ed made a motion to approve Resolution 227 to seek funding through the KDC, small cities CDBG program in the amount of $400,000 and further commitment, by the city, to leverage project costs in the amount of $505, 620 from USDA, Rural Development loan funds and Resolution 228 assuring the KDC that funds will be continually provided for the operation and maintenance of improvements to the water system to be financed with CDBG funds. Chuck Folks seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mark made a motion to follow the CDBG statement of disclosure. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
There was discussion regarding the KIAC meeting. The City Clerk is to email Donna to check on the date of the KIAC meeting.
Chris Huston was present to discuss his August 1, 2006 utility bill. Chris showed the council pictures of the red water he had in sinks, stools, etc after the flushing of the city water lines. Chris requested an adjustment for the 57000 gallons of water used in his water billing. Chris had spoke with some people on his block and none seemed to have as much problem as he was having. Ed said maybe a flush hydrant at the north end of Jones Street would help. Mark made a motion to install a gate valve at the north end of Jones Street. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Bruce made a motion to adjust Mr. Huston’s usage to the same as last year’s usage. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Paul Bahnmaier and area residents were present to discuss the front yard at NEKESC. Pictures were presented of other high schools within Jefferson County. Mr. Bahnmaier pointed out how they had neat lawns and would like for the NEKESC to keep this in mind in the future. Opal Goodrick said she had written letters in the past about good things that had happened in Lecompton and would now like to request the lawn at NEKESC be returned to the green status in the future. Ellie Middleton stated she was pleased the old high school is occupied and had spoke with the principle of JDLA and a staff member and was told there were other yards in town that looked as bad or worse. There was discussion with the City Attorney regarding ownership of the property and what the city can do. NEKESC owns the building as long as they maintain and occupy the building. If NEKESC no longer uses the building it will be returned to the City of Lecompton. Bruce Liese thanked all for attending the City Council meeting. Bruce made a motion to write a letter to the NEKESC board stating the concerns of citizens and the character of landscaping of other schools. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Opal asked if NEKESC had an obligation for upkeep. City Attorney Larry Hendricks stated the city cannot enforce beyond the city codes.
Bruce asked what the city does about abandoned cars, junk, etc. and read from Chapter 8, Article 2 of the codes. It was stated that several letters had been mailed earlier this year. It was stated that several of the cars at that time had current tags on them.
Paul Bahnmaier stated there would be a tour August the 28 of Blue and Gray Ed. Society from Danville, Vir. National Historian Ed Bearss and Nicole Etcheson would be present. Approximately 25 people would be involved.
Mayor Paslay reported Bob Treanor is in the process of repairing the welcome sign that was damaged south of town.
There was discussion that the Historical sign on the NE corner of Woodson and Halderman was blocking view of the traffic coming from the east. It was reported the county’s no parking sign had also been removed in that vicinity. Mayor Paslay said he would see about having the Historical sign relocated and see what had happened with the no parking sign.
Mark had not been able to contact the resident on Whitfield regarding the RV. Mayor Paslay will also try to contact the resident.
City Attorney Larry Hendricks reported he had spoken with Chuck Nehrbass regarding the property on Eisenhower Drive. Mr. Nehrbass said he was not able to mow that area but he could spray kill it. Because of the extreme heat at the time, Mr. Hendricks suggested Mr. Nehrbass not do anything until cooler weather. Mr. Hendricks also reported that Douglas County Public Works had told him the clover could be mowed 6” – 8”. The clover would be better tall than dead. The council decided to address this issue after the first the first of the year if necessary and have a resolution ready when and if needed. It was also requested the City Clerk send Mr. Nehrbass a letter informing him of the discussion with the PC, John Riggs and the City Council during a training session, that property should have a plan of what will be placed there before it is rezoned.
There was discussion that the BZA filing fee in the Codes is $25 and $35 in the Zoning Ordinance. City Attorney Larry Hendricks stated the date for the codes was 01/10/04 and the Zoning Ord. was 02/24/03. Because the 01/10/04 was the most recent date that is the fee to be used. It was suggested when we do an ordinance for other needed fees this be changed at that time and use the $35 thereafter.
City Attorney Larry Hendricks stated it was okay to give SM Ball a receipt for their donation of trash collection after Territorial Days.
No action was taken after discussion of account 14.
After discussion regarding the Workman’s Comp Audit, it was decided to leave the insurance as it is for the remainder of the year. It was decided not to recommend cleaning personal be required to have insurance.
It was noted a protest petition had been received in a timely manner regarding the rezoning on Eisenhower drive of the Goodrich property. However, the rezoning had been withdrawn.
The City Holiday Party will be Dec. 2, 2006 with caroling at 6:00 P.M. and Santa arriving at 6:15 P.M. Lecompton Volunteer Corp will be happy to be involved in the arrangement of decorating. LVC will select a date they wish to decorate and let the city clerk know so she can reserve a date. Mark will check on a tree and the cost. There will be a yard decorating contest again this year: First place $150, second $100, and third $50. The Vet Clinic may be set in April with a date convenient with Dr. Kevin. Dates are to be set for City Wide Garage Sales and bulk trash on same weekends as last year. Territorial Days will be June 22 & 23.
After discussion regarding the need to have resident’s phone numbers for notification of problems, it was approved to send a letter to the 14 residents we do not have phone numbers for.
The city clerk requested to attend a LKM session regarding Effective Meetings in Burlington Sept 9 and to pay her from the time she leaves to the time she returns and gasoline. A member from the Planning Commission is also approved to attend. Mark made a motion to approve the City Clerk and one PC member to attend the Sept 9 meeting and to pay the clerk from the time she leaves and returns and also gas.
The City has received an easement from Mr. & Mrs. Jernigan for Patricia Blanchat and Scott Norris allowing them whatever easement is necessary for sewer service. It is recommended a more detailed easement be obtained and filed with the Register of Deeds and furnish the city with a copy.
Justin reported there is a meter pit in Bill Leslie’s yard that is not connected. The old house is on rural water. Leslie’s will be attaching the old house to city water and the new house to rural water. After discussion the council agreed the old house should be connect to the meter at the city’s expense.
City Attorney Larry Hendricks reported papers were able to be served on resident.
Justin and Kenneth Shetlar will be visiting a water plant in Iowa September 5, 2006.
Work will possibly start this week on the city roads.
It was brought to the council’s attention there had been concerns from citizens regarding the setbacks of the new house being built on 7th Street. Roy and Mark will meet Tuesday August 22, 2006 at 4:45 P.M. to view the property.
It is requested the City Clerk send a letter to Bill Leslie regarding dividing property and platting.
After reviewing applications for GAS and RDA, Mark made a motion to accept the application from GAS for the 2007 CDBG Administrative Services. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
9:00 P.M. Mark made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk