September 5, 2006 Lecompton City Council Meeting Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order. Council President Tim McNish, Council members Mark Tunstall, and Ed Smith were present. 7:05 Council Member Bruce Liese was present. Jennifer Smith was also present.
Ed Smith made a motion to accept the August 21 Public Hearing Minutes and the August 21 City Council Minutes. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion. There was question regarding a second need on the motion Mark made to approve the city clerk and a PC member to attend Sept 9, 2006 training in Burlington. This will be addressed during the meeting of Sept 5. The vote to approve the minutes as they are was unanimous.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mark made a motion for the City Clerk and one PC member attend the Sept. 9, 2006 training and to pay the clerk from the time she leaves to time returning and to pay for gas. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
An electric upgrade permit was presented for Donna R. Gowing. After review, Ed made a motion to approve the permit. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
After discussion Ed made a motion to rescind Resolution 227 and adopt Resolution 229. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Jennifer Smith had been asked by the Lecompton Volunteer Corp to present information regarding the park playground area. It was reported that a cracked could not be located on the south slide but should be checked again in the daylight. A concern had been voiced at the LVC meeting regarding the merry-go-round area. Jennifer presented information regarding playground safety. Jennifer has a friend that will come and look at our park area and make recommendations. Ed suggested dirt be hauled in around the merry-go-round and packed. Mark suggested removing pea gravel around the merry-go-round, add and pack the dirt and put pea gravel back down.
There was discussion regarding the City Christmas party being held Dec. 2 and conflicting with other celebrations. It was mentioned that the party had been held on a Sunday in the past and was moved to a Saturday to ovoid conflict with other programs. Other dates were discussed and it was decided Dec. 2 would be the best date. The lighting will be at 6:00 P.M. and Santa will arrive at 6:15 P.M. The City Clerk is to contact Nancy Howard with this information. The City Clerk is to send a letter to Lecompton Historical Society and the Lecompton Methodist Church to let them know that the current Lecompton City Council has set the first Saturday in December to have the Christmas party in the future. The city clerk is to also contact Jennifer Jones for Santa. 9 A.M. – noon November 18, 2006 the LVC will meet to decorate the City Park and Community Building. Mark made a motion to have pizza and soft drinks for those working hard to help with the decoration during this time. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Roy reported that he and Mark had taken measurements at the new construction on 7th street and believed the measurements to be within acceptable distance. There was 52 feet from the center of the road and 65’ from the area on Tim McNish’s side.
LVC will have a trash pick up within the city limits Oct 14, 2006. If the council has other recommendation for them to do that day they are to notify the Corps.
Ed made a motion to waive the Community Building use fee for the Douglas County Historical Society use January 20, 2006. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
It was noted that KG Insurance had changed its name to Insurance Resources Group.
Council Members were reminded of the LKM Annual Conference being held in Topeka Oct 7 -10.
Council Members were requested to read the article on “Cost Increase in Water” in the KRWA flyer.
There was no report regarding the sign on Halderman and Woodson.
There had been no contact with the owner on Whitfield regarding a RV. It was stated that the RV appeared not to being lived in.
The City Clerk stated she would be taking vacation time as work allotted during hours the office is not open and asked whom she needed to report to the time she would be out of the office. Justin was the only person requesting to be notified
Council Member Smith asked what work was being done on Clark Street. Justin explained it was a crew regarding information for the tower.
Justin reported the sewer had been installed at Bill Leslie’s.
Council Member Liese asked about the valve installation on Jones Street. Justin said that it had not been installed yet but would be done before time for the next water line flushing.
8:04 P.M. Bruce made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk