October 2, 2006 Lecompton City Council Meeting Minutes
7:00 P.M. Council President Tim McNish brought the meeting to order. Council members Mark Tunstall, Chuck Folks, Ed Smith and Bruce Liese were present. Mayor Paslay was absent. Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, City Clerk Sandy Nichols and City Treasurer Georgia Wingfield were also present.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to accept the September 18, 2006 minutes. Ed Smith seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Chuck Folks made a motion to approve the bills. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
John Chaney was present stating he would like park a couple of construction semis on his Southcrest property. He plans to start construction of infrastructures this fall and homes no later than spring of 2007. Once construction of homes is completed in Southcrest he will remove the semis. He would like to park them just north of Kent Wingert’s shop. He will ask approval from Mr. Wingert. All of the council approve.
There was no public present for comments.
Information mailed by Kathi Fair regarding the renovation of the community building was presented. After discussion, Bruce Liese asked if he could take the information to study and look into possible steps to take toward renovation. The council agreed this would be a good next step.
It was noted the Welcome signed had been repaired and replaced south of town on East 600 Rd.
The newsletter was reviewed. It was requested to submit the newsletter at the Oct. 16 meeting with additions before mailing.
It was reported that funds needed to be transferred from the recaptured housing monies to the general contractual fund due to payments made from the general contractual fund that should have been from the housing account. This will be reviewed and ready for the Oct. 16 meeting.
Sunday Dec. 24 is a holiday. The council approved the staff closing the office Friday Dec. 22. The first Monday of January is a holiday and the council meeting will be Tuesday January 2.
Someone with a key to the community building had used it with out notifying the city office. The staff is to keep an eye on this and make any reports necessary.
Ed stated the city lot on Clark Street was looking good. Justin thanked Ed for the comment and also helping with the seeding.
There was discussion regarding four wheelers around the 200 block of East Woodson. The council requested a letter be sent to a resident in that vicinity.
Bruce discussed free smoke alarms available from a KDHE grant and Lecompton Fire Department. He explained the grant requires alarms to be installed or witnessed installation by a volunteer and forms completed. Residents from KU Medical Family will be present to help with installations. The project is organized by the LVC, Lecompton Fire Department, KU Med. Center Dept of Family Medicine and the City of Lecompton. The deadline to call the office and request a reservation is Oct. 9, 2006. Bruce requested information regarding the smoke alarms & installation be placed on the sign.
8:02 P.M. Chuck made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk