October 16, 2006 Lecompton City Council Meeting Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order. Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks, Ed Smith and Bruce Liese were present. Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, City Clerk Sandy Nichols and City Attorney Larry Hendricks were also present.
Ed Smith made a motion to accept the October 2, 2006 minutes. Chuck Folks seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Chuck Folks made a motion to approve the bills. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Paul Bahnmaier was present. He commented on the positive efforts made to install fire alarms for the citizens that had requested them. He also notified the City Council there would be a dedication to be held Thursday Oct 19, 2006 at 10 A.M. regarding the Governors sign placed on Eisenhower Memorial Drive as you come into Lecompton. The dedication will be at Lane University. He also reminded the council of the EO2 meeting Thursday Oct 19 at & PM in the Community Building.
Brian Kelley was present to request a building permit. After discussion Tim McNish made a motion to approve the building permit with permanent foundation approved by Douglas County Zoning & Codes. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Jamie Womack was present. After discussion Bruce made a motion to waive Ordinances that are in violation for 90 days. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Ms. Womack is to report back to the council in thirty days or sooner if needed.
The Council was notified an error had been made in the Franchise Ordinance with SCI. City Attorney Larry Hendricks is working with SCI to resolve the issue.
Mr. Hendricks notified the Council a Status Conference has been set for November 13, 2006 by Judge Jack Murphy. The Conference will be at 11 A.M.
Justin reported Layne-Western employees are at the water plant with a water plant simulator to run tests this week.
Justin discussed truck and snowplow replacement possibilities with the council. The council asked Justin to check around for prices and report back to the council.
The council agreed to have Justin’s name added as the second contact on the KPERS papers.
After discussion regarding the rope ladder in the park it was decided to remove the rope ladder.
Bruce reported he had had several complaints regarding the Pfeffer property on Elmore.
Mayor Paslay requested to have the Fire Department’s November 11 Chili Feed added to the newsletter. Councilmember Liese requested adding the VLC will be coordinating the Park Decorating. Also Councilmember Liese requested to add there are smoke detectors available by contacting him at home.
It was noted that City Attorney Larry Hendricks will be applying for Judgeship. Councilmember Bruce Liese made a motion to send a letter of support. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Larry will let us know to whom the letter should be sent.
Bruce made a motion he and Mayor Paslay will view the property on Elmore Street and make a list for a letter to be mailed. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
There are no appointments at this time for Planning Commission member’s positions.
8:26 P.M. Ed made a motion to adjourn. Chuck seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk