November 20, 2006

November 20, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes
Roy Paslay opened meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday November 6, 2006.
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks, Ed Smith, and Bruce Liese were present. Larry Hendricks City Attorney, Justin VanWinkle City Superintendent, Georgia Winfield City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols City Clerk were present. Jennifer Smith from Lecompton Planning Commission, citizens Paul Bahnmaier, Mary Lou Morris and Bob Morris were present. Trudi Rice from ECO2 was also present.

Mark made a motion to approve the Nov. 6th minutes. Chuck seconded the motion. After discussion, the minutes were not approved by a vote of 0 to approve, 5 to not approve. The topic was tabled until later in the meeting.

Mark made a motion to approve the bills. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Trudi Rice presented information regarding what ECO2 is and how it works. She also had information regarding working with K-State students on renovation of the Community Building and also ECO2 possible projects. Trudi said there is a position currently open on the ECO2 board for someone with an interest in Economic Development. If someone is interested they could contact Trudi. The board meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 A.M. in the Commissioners room at the Courthouse. Bruce Liese also presented information regarding the Kan Step program with Kansas Department of Commerce. The program required volunteers from the community and KDOC furnishes supplies. Larry Hendricks commented that Auburn currently is working on a project with Kan Step. Bruce said the pre-application required three people willing to be “spark plugs” for the project. Paul Bahnmaier and Steve Fugett had both told Bruce they would be “spark plugs” for the project. Bruce also will be a “spark plug”. Bruce made a motion to submit a pre-application to the Kan Step grant program with the Kansas Department of Commerce. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Mobile Lodge Community submitted a building permit.

Paul Bahnmaier presented a report on travel tourism regarding the Lecompton area. Bruce suggested the information be given to the Lawrence Journal World to be published.

After discussion the City Council requested the MLC building permit be returned for additional information that had not been entered on the application.

Mark made a motion to approve Resolution 230 regarding the update for the Joint Cities-County Douglas County Emergency Management Board defining the office responsibilities. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

City Attorney Larry Hendricks reported on the meeting in the court system regarding the property on Second Street in violation of the city codes. The process is continuing and Larry is getting the paperwork ready.

Larry will check on the updated information regarding filing of unclaimed property. Larry also thanked the council for the letter submitted for his application for judgeship.

Sandy and Mark will work together finding people to judge the Christmas yard decorations. Jennifer Smith volunteered to be a judge.

An accident report regarding the City Superintendent was given.

The City Council requested the City Clerk to check the codes regarding moving trailers in and out of town to see if a permit and fee is required.

After discussion Ed Smith made a motion to table paying Tallgrass for the sign repair and to send a letter requesting Mr. Treanor to attend the next council meeting. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Keys for the use of the Community Building are to be picked up prior to the use and not remain with the individual for extended use.

Trash is to be charged at both locations for Bill Leslie.

Check with First State Bank and Douglas County Bank regarding the key.

Dog tags are not transferable.

Mark made a motion to reimburse Bruce for money spent on breakfast foods furnished Nov. 18 during decorating of the Park. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Bruce asked about a pre-light check before the Dec. 2 park lighting. The council did not believe it would be necessary.

After discussion, Ed made a motion to notify Douglas County Zoning and Brian Kelley that a new plot drawing has not been delivered to the City Council as requested after Mr. Kelley changed his location plans for building. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

No action was taken regarding the Womack status.

After discussion and viewing pictures taken of property on Elmore Street in violation of city codes, the council requested the City Attorney to start processing papers necessary to elevate this violation.

Four bids for the 1993 International truck were opened and read. High bid was $9600 by Kentucky Township. Bruce made a motion to accept the bid from Kentucky Township for $9600. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

The council instructed Justin to get bids for the blue truck and have a representative present or present a written bid to the council at the December 4, 2006 meeting.

After reviewing two sets of minutes presented for the November 6, 2006 council meeting, Mark made a motion to approve the November 6, 2006 minutes presented by Justin with the correction of the date and spelling correction for Leslie’s. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Ed made a motion to recess to executive session to discuss non-elected personnel matters for 13 minutes beginning at 9:42 P.M. and requested City Attorney Larry Hendricks to attend. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

The council returned to Open Session at 9:55 P.M.

9:56 Bruce made a motion to adjourn. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, Clerk