December 4, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes
Roy Paslay opened meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday December 4, 2006.
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, and Bruce Liese were present. Justin VanWinkle City Superintendent, Georgia Winfield City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols City Clerk were present. Jennifer Smith from Lecompton Planning Commission and Darlene Brillinger from Midway Motors were present.
Mark made a motion to approve the Nov. 20th minutes. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
It was noted that Mike & Ray Laskowski would like for their $50 to be used within the community for a needed family this Holiday Season.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills with the notation being accepted. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
After discussion Bruce made a motion to approve D’s bid for the 35HD 2007 GMC Sierra. Tim seconded the motion. Bruce made a motion to amend his motion to include a maximum of $1500 for the larger engine and automatic transmission. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Brian Kelley was present to see exactly what was needed before he could continue on with his building permit.
7:21 P.M. Council Member Ed Smith arrived. The council requested he bring in a drawing marking the location of the new site and distances from the property lines. Roy will check with Douglas County Zoning regarding the footing requirements.
Bob Treanor was present at the request of the City Council. There was discussion regarding billing of a sign repair and also the placement of a sign at Halderman and Woodson Ave. Mr. Treanor will check on the visual problems at Halderman and Woodson and also for a no parking sign. The Council approved payment of the billing for $195 to repair the sign on E. 600 Road.
After discussion Bruce made a motion to pay Justin $25 per hour for the use of his truck when spreading sand/salt, the city will furnish fuel and Justin will receive his per hour pay from the city. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Information from a letter sent by the Douglas County District Attorney regarding case # 2006-CR-001888 was shared by the City Clerk. After discussion it was decided to complete the information form and let the court know we have faith in the judicial system to apply the appropriate punishment for the defendant.
A letter of thank you was read from City Attorney Larry Hendricks regarding a letter of recommendation sent supporting his application for judicial nomination.
Mayor Paslay gave a report regarding his trip with the City Attorney Larry Hendricks to inspect property on Second Street. After discussion Mark made a motion to contact salvage companies for estimates. Ed seconded the motion. Mark amended his motion to contact contractors for estimates. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Three companies and their phone numbers were given to Mayor Paslay who volunteered to contact the companies.
After discussion regarding the cost of the Kansas Government Journals, Ed made a motion to receive two (2) Kansas Government Journals instead of nine (9). Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
There was discussion regarding employee evaluations. It was recommended employees use their job descriptions and do a self-evaluation.
Bruce gave an update on the KAN-STEP process. He is waiting additional information regarding LMI from the Department of Commerce.
There was discussion regarding additional needs for the new truck: bed, lights, headache rack.
8:48 Tim made a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, Clerk