Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, December 11, 2006
Call to Order: 7:12 pm, Jennifer Smith
Roll call:
Present: Jennifer Smith, Kim Richter, Darby Lohrding
Absent: Nancy Howard, Jeff Robertson, Susie Hackathorn, Paul Maline
Visitors: Bruce Liese, Loren Richter
Approval of Minutes: Minutes were not considered in absence of a quorum.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None
Notices and Communications:
Due to a change in ownership, the Douglas County Planning Commission will re-consider the Big Springs Quarry Conditional Use Permit on December 15th. The Lecompton P&Z Commission is invited to send a representative to that meeting.
Lecompton Township plans to build another building on its property at Woodson and Whitfield. Adjacent property owners may have concerns about this.
Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None
Old Business:
The Douglas County Planning Commission rescinded a request that the Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission consider becoming part of a Joint Douglas County Planning Commission.
The Commission considered changes to the bylaws. Kim will send proposed changes to Commission members for consideration at the January meeting.
New Business:
Nancy Howard provided informal notice that she will step down from the Commission. She’ll send her formal resignation shortly.
Bruce Liese recommended the P&Z Commission consider changing its membership from 7 to 5 members. This would need to be reflected in any changes to the bylaws and brought before the City Council for a vote.
Kim motioned, and Darby seconded, to adjourn the meeting – approved unanimously.
Jennifer Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m..
Minutes prepared by Kim Richter.