January 2, 2007 Lecompton City Council Minutes
Roy Paslay opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. .
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks and Bruce Liese were present. Council Member Ed Smith was absent. Justin VanWinkle City Superintendent, Georgia Winfield City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols City Clerk were present.
Chuck Folks made a motion to approve the December 18, 2006 minutes. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the bills in front of them. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Greg and Mike Pfannes from Pfannes Homes were present to discuss construction work being done at The Chapel at Lecompton involving a new roof, window replacement, etc. After discussion Tim made a motion to approve a building permit. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
A letter was read that had been sent to a resident in violation of city codes. No action was taken. The subject will be discussed at the next meeting when the City Attorney is present.
After discussion regarding equipment coverings, Mark made a motion to purchase a 12’ x 12’ x 30’ cover to be placed on the city property that had been cleared on Clark Street. The motion died for lack of a second. There was no further discussion.
There was discussion regarding the purchase of a new truck. The council was in favor of Council Member McNish checking on what he could find available.
City Treasurer Georgia Wingfield noted that the October monthly financial report presented in November was titled November.
Georgia Wingfield recommended when it was time for her evaluation as City Treasurer it be done by the City Clerk and the City Superintendent.
Mayor Paslay reported vandalism that had been taking place around town and the need for law enforcement.
Communications were shared with the council from City Engineer Ken Shetlar. The City Council once again confirmed they did not want to pay $8500 for a study conducted by Tonka Equipment Company to be approved in the state of Kansas. Dan Fisher from Kansas Rural Development would like to have a special meeting with the council Tuesday January 9, 2007 regarding a Letter of Condition for the grant/loan process. The council would prefer to meet Monday January 8 any time between 5 PM and 7PM if possible. The City Clerk is to contact Mr. Fisher and set up a day and time.
There was discussion regarding sick leave time accruing. Tim made a motion for sick leave to be accrued in the same manor as the vacation time: one day per month for the first year; on the second January of employment the employee will receive 12 sick days on January 1; on the fifth January of employment the employee will receive 18 days on January 1. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The council requested the City Clerk to send a letter of Congratulations to City Attorney for his appointment as a judge. They also would like to request Mr. Hendricks to bring a representative with him to the next meeting that would like to be appointed as the Lecompton City Attorney.
Mayor Paslay asked if there were any other discussions. There were none.
8:15 Bruce made a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, Clerk