February 5, 2007 Lecompton City Council Minutes
Roy Paslay opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. .
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Bruce Liese were present. Council members Ed Smith and Chuck Folks were absent. Justin VanWinkle City Superintendent, City Engineer Kenneth Shetlar, Brad Riebel co-worker from SKW and student at KU, Georgia Wingfield City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols City Clerk were present. Residents Pastor Ken and Mike Coffman, Planning Commissioner Jennifer Smith, Insurance agent Patrick Gottstein were also present.
Tim McNish made a motion to approve the January 15 minutes. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Justin made a notation the Cross Midwest bill was for trailer tires. Mark made a motion to approve the bills. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Patrick Gottstein, insurance agent from Jefferson County Insurance & Financial Services Inc., was present to discuss the city’s insurance. Mr. Gottstein is still trying to acquire information regarding the city’s current workman’s comp losses for the past five years. Without this information he has not been able to get the city figures on paper for an estimate of cost from Continental Western Group. Mr. Gottstein presented information regarding Justin’s classification that he believes to be incorrect creating an over charge on the insurance premium. Bruce suggested the city have bids for a new insurance agent. It was noted as a third class city it was not necessary to have a bid process. It was mentioned Mr. Gottstein had been present a year ago requesting to be the city’s insurance agent. Tim made a motion the city have Pat Gottstein be their insurance agent. Mark seconded the motion. The vote passed, Tim and Mark voting in favor and Bruce Liese opposing. Bruce said his vote was not against Mr. Gottstein rather he preferred a bid process. Mark made a motion for the mayor to sign necessary paper work for Patrick to be the insurance agent. Tim seconded the motion. Tim and Mark approved the vote and Bruce opposed, vote passed. Patrick said he would continue to check on the classification.
Kenneth Shetlar was present to discuss the new plant grant. After discussion with the council, all agreed the new water plant would be located at the current water plant site. Kenneth discussed the pilot study that had been done by Layne Western and the study that needed to be done by any company doing the project if they had not done a study for KDHE. Pros and cons were discussed regarding different companies. There was discussion if foundation work was done for the plant and the tower at the same time it would be more cost efficient. Mark made a motion to have Tonka do a pilot study at approximately $8500. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. There was discussion regarding a Water Conservation Ordinance suggested by KDHE if applying for a Kansas Public Water Supply Loan. After discussion it was decided to wait until the new plant is completed as it will affect some of the information of the Ordinance. Tim made a motion for the mayor to sign the EJCDC contract with the City Engineer for the grant. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. There was discussion regarding the current water tower capacity of 50,000 gallons and the need for a 250,000 gallon capacity tower.
The city will wait for a billing from the county before issuing a building permit fee to the Township.
Roy appointed Jennifer Smith to the BZA board. Bruce made a motion to accept the mayor’s appointment. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jennifer shared information she had received from a phone conversation with John Riggs. After discussion concerning an administrative error and a lot split, Mark made a motion to cover the register deed costs. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jennifer and the City Clerk are to write a letter to the individual and take it to them personally. Jennifer discussed a meeting she attended regarding the Big Springs Quarry. Jennifer presented a map regarding “The Woods” development on Farmer’s Turnpike.
Mike Coffman was present stating he believes to be about 70% complete with the clean up of his property. He has received help from the LVC and Lecompton Church volunteers. He has people coming to help and believes they can be done by Jan. 20. Bruce suggested in the future when notices are sent regarding code violations of this nature, a letter is sent with it stating the LVC would be willing to assist. This was tabled until the next meeting. Bruce made a motion to extend the clean up time to February 20, 2007. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle present information regarding a 2007 Fleet/non-retail Chevy 6.0 liter, heavy duty, automatic transmission, 4 x 4, dual wheels, for approximately $24,300. There was discussion regarding a longer wheel base for $600. Bruce made a motion to purchase the truck. Tim seconded and the vote was unanimous. Council agreed to longer wheel base and Justin to choose the color.
The council does not want to give keys to the Community Building additional people. Jamie Shew, Douglas County Clerk will not be given a key.
Correspondence from KDOC requesting the KAN-STEP grant application be refilled on updated forms this spring was shared.
A letter of interest in being the city attorney from Robert Duncan II, Attorney at Law was present. The council requested a letter be sent thanking him for his interest.
Paul Bahnmaier requested it was noted the 1857 Lecompton Constitution would be at Constitution Hall Feb. 10 & 11.
Tim made a motion the 182 day CD for renewal is renewed for 7months at First State Bank and Trust. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The council clarified there is no plumbing permit for changing a hot water heater.
It has been reported the residence violation has not been resolved. The discussion was tabled until the February 20, 2007 meeting.
It was decided not to move forward on additional clean up projects until the current issue is resolved.
Jennifer Smith will be in charge of the flower pots around the park and the flowers in front of the sign.
Bruce mentioned he had been appointed to the EC2 organization.
9:25.M. Bruce a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, Clerk