March 5, 2007

March 5, 2007 Lecompton City Council Minutes

Roy Paslay opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. .
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Ed Smith, Chuck Folks and Bruce Liese were present. Justin VanWinkle City Superintendent, Georgia Wingfield City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols City Clerk were present. Patrick Gottstein was present.

Tim McNish made a motion to approve the February 20, 2007 minutes. Ed Smith seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Mark Tunstall made a motion to pay the bills in front of them. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Mike Coffman was not present.

Patrick Gottstein was present to discuss the city’s insurance. Patrick had not received the city’s 5 year loss report early enough in the day to present the council with updated EMC proposal. Mr. Gottstein had an insurance proposal with Continental Western Group for $8955 that would have the same coverage that we are now carrying with EMC. The workman’s comp would be with KMIT, Kansas Municipal Insurance & Trust. Because of injuries in the past few years, the workman’s comp with increase regardless of the company. Mr. Gottstein expected EMC proposal to be approximately $10,142. Mr. Gottstein will continue to get the superintendents job description corrected to water production and not street work. There was discussion regarding coverage of contents in the CB. Because of a clause in the insurance forms regarding fairs, etc., Council member Liese asked if the Territorial Days would be covered by insurance. Mr. Gottstein said he had checked and it would be covered. Ed made a motion to have the city insure with KMIT and Continental Western Group adding the contents of the Community Building to be covered and including a statement that the Territorial Days are covered. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Mr. Coffman was present. Mr. Coffman did not appreciate someone coming in to clean when he was not present. Mr. Coffman wanted to know when and if the city was going to clean up the burn hole area the city used located on his property to assist him in his clean up. KDHE had sent a letter to Mr. Coffman and the city regarding this issue. The council told him the clean up would be conducted 8:30 A.M. Wed March 7, 2007. Mr. Coffman stated people had helped him clean up above and beyond what he thought the city had asked. There was discussion regarding a bus. Mr. Coffman said he had tried to get the owner to remove the bus. Mr. Coffman was told he could tell the owner the city would be removing the bus if it was still on the location Wed. March 7, 2007. Mr. Coffman stated he would be cleaning the property and moving by the end of the summer.

It was mentioned that some of the property to be cleaned up may have motor oil contamination. The council requested the City Attorney be notified of this possibility.

Jennifer Smith, Planning Commission Chairperson, and Sandy Nichols presented a letter to Bill Leslie regarding lot split. Mr. Leslie signed the lot split application. The application will be presented at the PC meeting March 12, 2007 for approval.

Grant Writer, Donna Crawford, prepared the following paper to be signed for Rural Development regarding the new water plant project: Civil Rights Procedures, Code of Ethics, Procurement Procedures and City Purchasing Policy; City Clerk presented the following paper work for Rural Development: Electronic funds transfer, Certification for Contracts, Grants & Loans, Drug Free Workplace, Certification Regarding Debarment. Ed made a motion to authorize the mayor signing the papers presented. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.


Ed made a motion to approve the SCI ordinance #779 amendment stating the Franchise Fee would be $100 or $3.00 per customer, whichever is greatest. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Justin reported he had checked with the dealer the new truck is being purchased from regarding lease/purchase rates. The dealer said we probably would be able to get a better rate with our bank.

The City Clerk reported Paula with Douglas County Emergency Management was no longer with them. Teri Smith with Douglas County Emergency Management sent a weather instructional seminar notification that would be held in Lawrence March 15, 2007.

Dr. Kevin will be doing the community vet clinic April 14, 2007 9:30 AM – 11:30 A.M. Dr. Kevin would also like to use the shelter area once a month while the bridge is closed to assist his clients. The council Okayed this usage.

It was noted the purpose of the city having lease/purchase agreements is so each council may choose to continue or not to continue the agreement.

No communication has been received from residency code violation. No action was taken.

There was discussion regarding a new water tower. The council would like for the city engineer to attend the March 19, 2007 meeting to discuss cost, location, one or two towers, etc. The city clerk is to check the loan interest rate would be from RD. Donna Crawford is to be kept informed of information regarding the tower.

8:16 P.M. Bruce motioned to adjourn. Ed seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, Clerk