April 2, 2007 Lecompton City Council Minutes
7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay and Council Members Mark Tunstall, and Tim McNish were present. City Treasurer Georgia Wingfield, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, and City Clerk Sandy Nichols were present. Ashley Schemm from Douglas County Senior Services was present.
There is not a quorum and no decisions will be made. Mayor Paslay asked Ms. Schemm to present her information. Ms. Schemm presented information regarding free cell phones to be used for dialing only 911 furnished to senior residents. If the council would like, a collection box would be placed in Lecompton at a location approved by the council.
It was requested the City Clerk ask Donna Crawford if our last survey would be current if the City applied for a water tower grant. If a new survey was needed, what would the cost be and what would the cost be for Donna to write the grant application?
7:15 PM Council Member Ed Smith was present.
Tim McNish made a motion to approve the March 19, 2007 minutes. Ed Smith seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to pay the bills. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Ed made a motion to move the Savings Account at Douglas County Bank to an Investor Money Market (Business) Account to draw more interest. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The city employees are to check with the City Engineer regarding the size of a lot needed for a new water tower and also the regulations around the tower that will be needed.
The tornado siren did not go off Friday March 30, 2007 when there was a warning. The City Clerk is to contact Douglas County Emergency Management on the status of the siren. It was reported the siren was working at noon April 2, 2007.
7:50 P.M. Mark motioned to adjourn. Tim seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk