Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, April 09, 2007
Call to Order: 7:05 pm, Jennifer Smith
Roll call:
Present: Jennifer Smith, Kim Richter, Jeff Robertson, Susie Hackathorn (no quorum)
Absent: Paul Maline, Jeff, Darby
Visitors: Charlene Winter,
Approval of Minutes:
Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None
Notices and Communications:
Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None
Old Business:
Charlene Winter presented a list of concerns about “The Woods.” (see attached) along with a list people who share the concerns. Although there is precedent in the county for granting CUPs for hunting on properties zoned agricultural, there does not seem to be enough land to provide for gun use on this property without significant danger to neighbors. Other issues include noise pollution, sewage problems, water shortages, and fire danger. The property is just too small and too close to other homes. Jen listed the timeline for the County Conditional Use Permit. The Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission can vote to make a recommendation to the Douglas County Zoning and Codes Commission, which votes on a recommendation to the Douglas County Commission, which makes the final decision. The owners of the property have asked to be taken off of the April County Planning Commission Agenda and so we assume they will be put on the May agenda. Archery hunting is acceptable (low noise, short range). Cedar Hill gun club is now dealing with ground contamination from the lead bullets. Other shooting facilities are being required to retrofit to reduce noise pollution. The P&Z commission will vote on a recommendation our next meeting and will make that recommendation to the Douglas County Zoning and Codes Commission. Car lights will flash into Charlene’s windows. Jen thanked Charlene and promised to update her on the Lecompton P&Z actions on this.
New Business:
Darby would like to post a sign for her Avon business. Her home is in an R-1 district which means that she can have a nameplate 3 square feet in area that includes her name and address.
Kim motioned, Susie seconded a motion to adjourn. Passed unanimously. Jen adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.
Minutes prepared by Kim Richter.