May 7, 2007

May 7, 2007 Lecompton City Council Minutes

7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay and Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, and Ed Smith were present. Council Member Bruce Liese arrived at 7:14. City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, and City Clerk Sandy Nichols were present. Residents Greg and Brad Sledd were present. Planning Commission member Jenn Smith was present. John Chaney was present.

Tim made a motion to accept April 16, 2007. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Tim made a motion to accept the April 19 & 20 minutes. Mark seconded and the vote was unanimous.

After notation regarding the future invoice for the 2007 Chevy truck, Mark made a motion to pay the bills. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Greg Sledd was present to inquire about a deck/porch for the front of his house. The council recommended he file a variance application with the BZA.

Council Member Bruce Liese arrived.

Dan Pederson was not present.

John Chaney requested an amendment to his building permit for Lot A on Boone St. He would like to put the house on a basement and not a slab. Mark made a motion to amend Mr. Chaney’s building permit for Lot A on Boone street to include a basement. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Richard Traxler requested an electric permit. Ed made a motion to approve the building permit. Mark seconded and the vote was unanimous.

John Evans from Reality Executive was present to discuss development and access of property belonging to Chuck Nehrbass. The council told Mr. Evans the property needed to platted before further building permits would be issued.

Ronnie Skinner was not present to discuss the washing of the church parking lot into his yard. The council believes this is a civil issue between neighbors as stated in past meeting.

Jennifer Smith thanked the city for cleaning the gutters. Jenn was present representing the Lecompton Volunteer Committee. The LVC would like to continue work around the merry-go-round if it is still okay with the council. They will work on this project May 29. The council still approves to add dirt and gravel the area. Jenn also stated flowers and fertilizer had been purchased for the area around the sign.

Ed Smith stated the church property and WoodNStuff were incorrectly zoned on the new zoning maps. Both were zoned Commercial prior to the new maps. Ed requested the city clerk is to call John Riggs and discuss what the procedure would be to zone these areas commercial if so desired by the owners.

The following appointments were made by the mayor: City Superintendent – Justin Van Winkle; City Clerk – Sandy Nichols; City Treasurer – ; City Accountant – Bogner; City Attorney – Lee Hendricks; Lecompton Planning Commission – Kim Richter, Jennifer Smith; Newspaper – Lawrence Journal World; City Banks – First State Bank & Trust & Douglas County Bank; Street Department – Tim McNish; Sewer Department – Chuck Folks; Park and Rec. Department – Mark Tunstall; Sanitation Department – Bruce Liese; Water Department – Ed Smith; Ed made a motion to accept the mayor’s appointments. Tim seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Voice message from Jamie Womack – no action taken
Andy Liba letter of complaint regarding neighbor’s barking dogs.
Bobbie Clark letter stating actions trying to quiet the dog. The council requests Ms. Clark to furnish up to date tag and rabies shots for the dog(s).
An anonymous letter regarding Kelley’s dog(s) running loose. The council requested a letter be sent regarding tags, leash laws and proof of shots.
At this time there was discussion regarding Topeka and Lawrence Human Society’s being full and where to take animals. They do not want to keep the animals for 3 days waiting for an owner to claim the animal. The city clerk is to see what Douglas County’s Human Society’s official policy is since we don’t have facilities to keep the animals.
Donna Crawford called to remind the council a grant for a water tower would have to be submitted in Sept. if they were going to submit an application. Ed made a motion to have Donna get started on the grant for a water tower. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Training Courses for city council members was presented to the council from KanCap, KDHE. The council would like to request a training session June 4, 2007 if possible or the first Monday of some month.
Thank you from Pat Gottstein for the city’s insurance.
Legal Forum from the Kansas Government Journal was given to each member.

A workman’s compensation walkthrough audit report was presented. There were no recommendations to be made at this time. A Safety Manual has been printed. Information was presented regarding “Loss Control Program”. Tim made a motion to adopt the “Loss Control Program”. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

A letter being sent to a resident was read and copies for those wanting were given to council members.

Bruce made a motion to use AVG anti-virus software on the city computer. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

The council approved the City Clerk to attend LKM Fundamentals training June 22 in De Soto.

There was discussion of properties that need mowing and/or cleaned up. Mark made a motion to have the City Clerk is to send letters to eight locations. The motion was seconded by Tim and the vote was unanimous.

Justin reported beaver(s) have been dragging trees into the lagoon area. He has contacted the game warden for information for disposing of the beaver(s). It was suggested that Bob Christman might be able to assist.

Information American Equipment Company was presented by Justin. After discussion, Bruce made a motion to purchase 10’ x 92” flatbed, Oval LED strobes lights in rear and front, mini light bar with rotators, and Boss 9’ snowplow. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

After discussion regarding maturity of CDs in May, Mark made a motion to renew the Douglas County Bank CD for the six (6) month 5% rate and the two CDs at First State Bank and Trust for the seven (7) month 5.25%.
Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Mark made a motion for Roy to sign a check for the new truck. Tim seconded the motion. Mark made a motion to rescind his motion. Tim seconded and the vote was unanimous.

9:35 Bruce made a motion to adjourn until 6:45 P.M. Public Hearing on May 21, 2007. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk