June 4, 2007

7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the regular Lecompton City Council meeting to order. Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks, Ed Smith, and Bruce Liese were present. Mr. & Mrs. Dusty Gruver, Jason Kenny and Pastor Ken Baker were present. Leo Pollard was also present shortly after the start of the meeting.

Chuck made a motion to accept May 21, 2007 Public Hearing minutes and the May 21, 2007 regular council minutes. Tim seconded the motion with corrections made and the vote was unanimous.

Mark made a motion to pay the bills. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

A building permit for a shed was submitted by Mark Tunstall. After review, Ed made a motion to approve the building permit. Tim seconded the motion. There were four votes to approve, Mark abstained.

Tabetha Mallonee was present from the Territorial Day Committee to request a donation from the City. After discussion Tim made a motion to donate $500 to the Territorial Day Committee. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Dusty Gruver was present to discuss the code violation letter sent to Joe Stauffer. Mr. Gruver wanted to know what needed to be done to be in compliance with the city codes. The council stated they were concerned about the large brush pile, junk cars not tagged and any other “junk”. Mayor Paslay recommended the Volunteer Fire Department be called to help burn the brush pile. Mr. Gruver said he was taking parts off the cars and would then haul them away but he has to borrow a trailer now as he does not have a trailer. There was discussion regarding tires. Justin said if they were loaded he would let Mr. Gruver in the lagoon area to stack the tires instead of them being picked up June 9, 2007. Mayor Paslay asked Mr. Gruver if the clean up could be completed in 90 days. Mr. Gruver said it could be. Chuck made a motion to give the Stauffer location a 90 day extension to be in code compliance. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The council thanked Mr. Gruver for responding to their letter and requested Mr. Gruver to notify the city when the work is completed.

Leo Pollard was present to see if he was to meet with the council June 4 or June 18 regarding his code violation letter. The mayor said they would meet with him since he was already present. Mr. Pollard wanted to know what needed to be done to be in compliance. The Mayor said the main concern was the junk cars. Mr. Pollard stated three cars had been removed since they had received the letter and they were continuing to work getting the junk cars removed. Mr. Pollard said there were some tires there also. Justin said if he loaded the tires that were not on rims and contacted him, he would let him in the lagoon area to put the tires on the stack to be removed after June 9, 2007. The tires that are good and on rims could stay. The Mayor asked if they could be in compliance in 90 days. Mr. Pollard said he believed they would be. Mark made a motion to give a 90 day extension to Mr. Pollard to be in compliance. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Pollard also asked if the dead end sign could be put back up on his street. The City Superintendent told him the sign had already been replaced.

June 9, 2007 Justin, Tim, Chuck, Mark and Sandy will meet at 8 A.M. at the lagoons to pick up tires in town.

After review, Tim made a motion to approve Ord. #782 fixing salaries for the mayor and city council members. Mark seconded the motion. Four members approved and Council Member Smith opposed.

Justin shared information regarding cost to have a fourth filter in the new water plant, necessity for a fourth filter and alternatives to a fourth filter.


Council Member McNish shared concerns Nancy Howard expressed to him during a phone conversation. Concern regarding seeing city employee purchasing fuel in Lawrence, where Justin eats, and seeing 3 city employees on the turnpike were mentioned. It was noted during the meeting the purchase of fuel had been discussed in the past and would be purchased as had been approved at that time. It was noted the Justin eats at home on days he is within the city limits. The 3 city employees had attended a seminar out of town. Mrs. Howard also did not think it was necessary to purchase a new truck.

Chuck Folks has access to tool boxes that the city may have interest in purchasing. He will bring them home to be looked at.

The City Clerk is to contact Carolyn Mathews to see if she would be interested in selling an acre of ground to the city.

Dave Bogner discussed the 2006 Audit with the council. Bruce made a motion to accept the audit of the 2006 records. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

After discussion regarding the mil levy, Chuck made a motion to leave the mil levy as it is. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Tim made a motion to sign the contract to have Bogner audit the 2007 records. Chuck seconded and the vote was unanimous.

Susan Clemons wanted to know what her next step should be when the council rejects a request. After discussion Bruce made a motion to develop a release form for the community building to be signed by all renters. Mark seconded the motion. The vote was 0 yeas and 5 nays. The subject was tabled until the June 18, 2007 meeting.

It was reported by a resident the NW corner of the Lohman property had not been mowed and the mosquitoes in that area were bad. It was also noted the brush pile had not been destroyed nor had the Volunteer Fire Department been contacted.

The applications for the part time city treasurer position were reviewed. The council prefers to have someone that is bondable. The council requested Stephanie M. Soash be contacted to attend the June 18, 2007 meeting.

There was discussion regarding signatures on checks for Rural Development needing to be signed by individuals that had been bonded for $60,000. Tim made a motion to have the City Council President, Bruce Liese, bonded in order to sign the Rural Development checks. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

A letter is to be sent to Michael Goodrich to have his property North of Kroeger’s mowed.

There was discussion regarding law enforcement in town. The City Clerk is to check with LKM on steps to be taken to have law enforcement. Towns of comparable size are to be contacted to see how they handle law enforcement.

9:00 P.M. Mark made a motion to adjourn to June 9, 2007 8:00 A.M. for tire pick up. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk

June 9, 2007

8:00 A.M. The June 4 Lecompton City Council meeting adjourned to the June 9, 2007 tire pick up. Those present were Council Members Mark Tunstall and Chuck Folks, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, and City Clerk Sandy Nichols. A quorum was not present, there was no business conducted. Tires were picked up from 8:00 A.M. until 9:30 A.M. The City Superintendent had picked up a trailer load of tires prior to 8:00 A.M.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk