7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the regular Lecompton City Council meeting to order. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish and Ed Smith were present. City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Attorney Lee Hendricks and City Clerk Sandy Nichols were present. Stephanie Soash and Jennifer Smith were present.
Ed made a motion to approve the minutes of June 7 and June 9, 2007. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Ed made a motion to pay the bills in front of them holding the check to Morris Excavating until Federal ID# has been received. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mayor Paslay appointed Stephanie Soash to be the Lecompton City Treasurer. Ed made a motion to accept the mayor’s appointment. Mark seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Jennifer Smith shared letters the Lecompton Planning Commission wished to send to the Douglas County Commissioners and KS Dept of Ag Div of Water Resources regarding the Conditional Use Permit for the Big Springs Quarry. The council approved sending the letters. Jennifer also reported on the Planning Commission meeting attended by Shane Jones. There were seven residents that live in the vicinity present at the meeting. Information was given to Mr. Jones regarding information he will need to submit if he wishes to develop ground in that area. There were concerns of an old dump site in the vicinity and also road easements. Mr. Jones will contact KDHE for test digs.
Mark made a motion to approve Ordinance 783 stating building permit fees to be paid at time of submission of the building permit. Tim seconded and the vote was 3 yeas and 0 nays.
Mark made a motion to approve Resolution 238 regarding unfit and unsafe structure for human habitation. Tim seconded and the vote was 3 yeas and 0 nays.
There was additional discussion regarding Morris Excavating. The clerk was instructed to hold the check until the Federal ID# is submitted and $130 or to reissue the check minus the $130 due for an unpaid invoice.
There was discussion regarding nuisance letters that have been sent. It was noted extensions had been given to the Stauffer and Pollard properties. Lee will follow through with the Goodrick and Pfeffer properties.
There was discussion regarding RWD #3. The city plans to use RWD #3 water during the building of a new water plant and to use RWD #3 after the new plant is built as a back up. Lee expressed a 40 year contract is unrealistic. Lee will contact RWD #3 regarding a new contract.
Law Enforcement pro and cons were discussed. Lee will check with Perry on cost of law enforcement for them. The City Clerk is to see if there is any information available for estimated budget set up costs. Also check to see if any grants are available.
Tim made a motion to accept the Community Building Regulations adding “THE CITY OF LECOMPTON WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FOOD LEFT UNATTENDED AND THE CITY OF LECOMPTON WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The City Clerk is to send a copy of May 21, 2007 minutes a letter to Susan Clemons stating we are trying to control the situation and taking steps to prevent future problems.
After discussion regarding property on the west side of the 400 block and Eisenhower, it was decided the City Clerk should send a letter to Tex Harrell and Stephens Realistate regarding the orchard area needing mowed. A copy of the letter is to be sent to Michael T. Goodrich.
After discussion regarding a utility bill not paid since April, Tim made a motion for the City Attorney to send a letter to Gail Tompkins. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Justin reported Eleanor Lohman called stating her NW corner would be mowed and the brush pile burned soon.
Justin reported the water hydrant at the Historical Society is leaking. A pad lock was put on the hydrant but it still leaks. Roy will talk to Paul Bahnmaier about it.
After discussion regarding two tool boxes Chuck Folks brought up for the city to look at, Mark made a motion to Rino both boxes. Tim seconded and the vote was unanimous.
There was discussion regarding getting the electric meters ready for Territorial Days. The council would like check into the cost of electricity used on the meters. Justin said he would check into this.
There was discussion for the need to chip/seal on Elmore in the 300 block. The council suggested talking with Doug Stephens for suggestions.
It was reported John Chaney would like to extend the tubes along Boone Street road to the drainage ditch. He plans to overlay Boone Street from Woodson to the bridge. There was discussion about the road needing work from the Bridge south to 5th street and on 5th street.
The Fire Department tried to clean Elmore Street in the 300 block. They cleaned from north to south using the fire hydrant. In the past the tanker truck was used. The council has requested a letter be sent to the Fire Department requesting in the future the tanker truck be used. The hydrants should be for emergency use only.
The City of Lecompton would like to have “Certificates of Survey” sent if there is no cost.
Community Building tables are not to be taken out of the building.
Tire pick up report was give: 2005: 136 tires; 2006 288 tires, 2 semi tires, 2 tractor tires; 2007 581 tires, 8 semi tires, 1 tractor tire. There was discussion to limit the number of tires in the future. A notice will be put in the fall newsletter.
Flyers with information regarding the 1% sales tax are to be put up for Territorial Days and placed on the web site. Possible uses for infrastructure would be: streets, park & rec, Community Building upgrade, water plant, water tower, law enforcement, street curbs.
9:40 P.M. Tim made a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk