October 1, 2007


Appointed Sept. 17 and approved by the council, new Council Member, Christy Mallonee was sworn in.
7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay convened the Lecompton City Council Meeting. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Ed Smith, Tim McNish, Bruce Liese and Christy Mallonee were present. City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Treasurer Stephanie Soash, and City Clerk Sandy Nichols were also present. Teri Smith Director of Douglas County Emergency Management was present. Two Lecompton Volunteer Fire Rescue members were present.

Ed made a motion to approve the September 17 minutes noting on the second page, first paragraph that Mark amended the motion made by Chuck to 4 car and/or light truck tires per household. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, Christy Mallonee abstained.

Mark made a motion to approve the bills. Ed seconded the vote and passed 4 yeas, Christy abstained.

Gail Tompkins was not present regarding a building permit request. No building permit request had been presented to the office. No action was taken.

Teri Smith presented information regarding the NIMS, National Incident Management System. The information included what NIMS means, its intent, and why it is needed. After the information was presented all people present took a certification test.

Justin reported there were diseased and dying pine trees in the park that needed to be removed, a dead tree behind City Hall and a couple in the cemetery.

Justin reported he had received two bids for the shop building and was waiting for additional bids.

It was noted that Douglas County Elected Officials would be at Lane Museum Oct 6, 2007 9 AM – 11 AM for questions and answer session.

Patrick Leming had called the office requesting a street light at the south end of Halderman. Patrick was not present. Mr. Leming had called Council Member Tim McNish and visited with him regarding a street light. The council believed Mr. Leming should be present to discuss the need for a street light. No action was taken.

A letter was read from Mr. Larry Cyr requesting water not be charged to his account. A letter was read from the City Attorney Lee Hendricks regarding city trash charged to accounts. 8:06 Council Member Liese left the meeting. Ed made a motion for the City Clerk to send Ms. Gail Tompkins a letter stating she should inform all residents currently and in the future within her trailer park they are to be connected to city water, sewer and pay trash. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas. 8:09 Council Member Liese returned to the meeting.
A new resident in the process of selling a home out of state and moving to a home purchased in Lecompton, requested water and sewer on her utility bill and not trash until she is able to move to the location. Tabled until Oct 15 meeting to allow discussion with City Attorney.

City Clerk is to contact Mr. Volle regarding Santa. Justin will make arrangements for the Holiday street lights and putting the arch up. Bruce will find someone to organize the decorating of the city park. Bruce will get mailing list of city residents to mail post cards Nov 1, 2007 reminding residents of the Holiday decorating contest in the City Park. Roy will request a fire rescue person to bring Santa into town on a fire truck.

Bruce shared information regarding a meeting with County Administrator Craig Weinaug, Sheriff McGovern and Undersheriff Hornberger. 8:35 Council Member Liese left the meeting to call Mr. Weinaug on the phone. City Clerk is requested to see if grants are available for law enforcement. 8:41 Council Member Liese returned to the meeting.

8:45 P.M. Mark made a motion to adjourn. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote passed with 5 yeas and 0 nays.

Sandy Nichols, City Clerk