Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, October 8, 2007
Call to Order: Jennifer called the meeting to order at 7:07.
Roll call:
Present: Kim Richter, Jeff Robertson, Paul Maline, Jennifer Smith
Absent: Suzie Hackathorn, Darby Lohrding
Approval of Minutes: Jeff motioned, Paul seconded to approve the July minutes, approved unanimously.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None
Notices and Communications: A law office in Lawrence asked that Horizon 2020 include the intersection of K-10 and I-70 as a potential industrial site. Citizens of Lecompton have protested against industrial development in that area before.
Suzie Hackathorn resigned from the Planning and Zoning commission.
Reports of Standing and Special Committees: Jen provided a report on the League of Kansas Municipalities Planning and Zoning training.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Gary Merritt wanted to know about setbacks for potential new construction on the township building site. This site is zoned R-1. The existing building has been there since the ‘50s. If they improve the existing building they need no special approval. If they want to build a new building there they would need a special use permit. They would need a 25 ft. rear yard and the building can’t be located closer than 75 feet from the center line of the road. Side yards need to be 10% of the site, with a minimum of 6 feet. If it is closer than 75 ft from the centerline of the road, they would need to get variance from the board of zoning appeals. Principal and accessory buildings can not cover more than 30% of the lot. There is another site that the township could put this building on.
Lecompton water tower. It will need a special use permit to be sited in R-1. If the structure exceeds 30 feet it will need a variance.
Jeff moved, Paul seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:55.
Minutes prepared by Kim Richter.