7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay convened the Lecompton City Council Meeting. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Ed Smith, Tim McNish, Bruce Liese and Christy Mallonee were present. City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Attorney Lee Hendricks and City Clerk Sandy Nichols were also present. Channel 6 News from Lawrence was present.
Council Member Liese requested the last paragraph of the October 1, 2007 minutes include “Council Member Liese left the meeting at 8:35 to call Mr. Weinaug on the phone”. Tim McNish made a motion to approve the October 1, 2007 minutes with the addition. Ed Smith seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas and 0 nays.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the bills. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Karla Meyer was present requesting the Perry Lecompton Community Library be added to the list of Community Organizations to use the Community Building without a fee. Mark made a motion to add the Perry Lecompton Community Library Organization to the list of Community Organizations that use the building without paying fees. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas and 0 nays.
Sheriff McGovern and Under Sheriff Hornberger were present to discuss with the council options, costs and needs for law-enforcement in Lecompton. Sheriff McGovern will put information together to be given to the council.
Casey Pollard was not present. No action was taken.
Gail Tompkins had submitted a letter asking if a building permit for a concrete pad was necessary to place trailers on. She submitted a permit application if it would be necessary. After discussion, the Lecompton City Council suggests a concrete pad be built where the tires of the trailer would set. Additional concrete pad would not be required.
Jay Robertson, Lecompton Township Trustee, was present. If the City of Lecompton decided to build a new shop in the 300 Block of Clark Street on city property owned there, Mr. Robertson would like the council to consider a 99 (ninety-nine) year lease for $1 and permission for the township to build a shop on the property also. A contract could be drawn up to satisfy both agencies. The council stated they would keep the request in mind.
Mike Pfannes was present representing the Chapel @ Lecompton. He would like a building permit for electrical upgrade, plumbing, and a new deck (fire escape). He has furnished Douglas County Zoning with drawings and will continue to work with them for future needed plans. The council asked what the uses were within the building. Mr. Pfannes stated there were Sunday services, Friday night services and printing of literature. Tim made a motion to approve the building permit request. Motion died for lack of a second. Mark recommended tabling until the November meeting. Mayor Paslay recommended Mr. Pfannes complete the building permit and return it to the council when completed, this evening for approval.
Mayor Paslay stated he had received Susie Hacathorn’s resignation from the Lecompton Planning Commission.
There was discussion of the updates for the 2007 Water Conservation Plan. Tim made a motion to adopt the 2007 WCP. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, and 0 nays.
Mr. Pfannes submitted his building permit application. Mark made a motion to approve the building permit application. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Lee Hendricks reported Mr. Nehrbass had mowed part of the property located at the NE corner of Woodson Ave. and Eisenhower Memorial Dr. Mr. Hendricks recommended working with Mr. Nehrbass on this project this year. It is possible the slops could be mowed by the city. Bruce made a motion to assist in completing the mowing of the property this year with Mr. Hendricks sending a letter to Mr. Nehrbass requesting written permission to do so. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed with 4 yeas and Ed voting nay.
Mr. Hendricks needs information regarding water gallon usage to complete a contract to be sent to RWD #3. Justin furnished this information.
Mr. Hendricks recommended not requesting SS# of new residents for collection purposes if necessary. Instead, request date of birth. The city clerk will create a new form to present to the council.
There was discussion regarding a property owner that is not currently living on the premises but will be as soon as their property out of state is sold. The individual would like to have trash billing removed until residence on the property is established. Bruce made a motion to allow the account to not have trash on the billing until the resident is living in at the residence. Ed seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas and 0 nays.
Mr. Hendricks shared information regarding GPS mapping. He will continue to work with Rural Water Association for a cost estimate. Mr. Hendricks will request a representative from RWA attend the Nov. 19 meeting.
Mr. Hendricks reported all the information he found regarding annexation of agricultural ground stated it would be annexed R-1. It would be possible to request the land remain Ag zoned.
Rita Lesser’s PLHS class will furnish cookies for the Dec. 1 Holiday celebration again this year.
After discussion regarding a CD maturing October 20, 2007, Ed made a motion for Roy and Sandy to invest the money in a CD with the best interest following past investment procedures. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas and 0 nays.
Mr. Volle had not replied to a request to be Santa. Jenn is to be contacted to see if she can assist with a Santa.
It is suggested Crain Weinaug be contacted for information regarding law-enforcement grants.
Bruce stated he needs to rent folding chairs and would prefer to pay to rent city chairs if possible. Because of past issues regarding tables and chairs being removed from the Community Building, the council chooses not to rent chairs.
Justin reported the low bid he had received for a new shop building was as follows: 40’ x 60’ x 14 with two 14 x 12 doors was $21, 125 plus $3, 712 for insulation. A 40’ x 80’ x 14’ with three 14 x 12 doors was $24, 654 plus $4160 for insulation. The question was asked if a new shop be located at the lagoons?
Ed made a motion for Justin to get estimates for roofing the shop. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
9:30 P.M. Bruce made a motion to adjourn. Christy seconded and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk